Final Fantasy 16 Ancient Sword Location
If you want to know where to find the Ancient Sword location in Final Fantasy 16, you’ve come to the right place. Almost every single major installment in the franchise features this weapon in some way, and Final Fantasy XVI brings it back. It’s a pretty powerful sword, dealing 252 damage, so it’s worth seeking out. Plus, you don’t have to craft it, nor complete a side quest. All that being the case, let’s explain how to get the FF16 Ancient Sword.

How to Get Ancient Sword FF16
To get the Ancient Sword in Final Fantasy 16, or FF16, you have to find the location of the chest its in. Normally, the game grants you weapons for completing quests (or, at least, the blueprints for weapons), but in this case, there’s a specific place you need to go. The easiest way to find it is during the Live and Let Live side quest. This mission unlocks in the main quest called Onward, after you’ve completed the Blood from the Stones sub-mission. You begin Live and Let Live in Boklad, in the Dhalmekian Republic. The quest giver is Kveta the Porter. The first step is to go south of Boklad and talk to one refugee, then further south to talk to another refugee. Basically, just follow the quest steps and you’ll be fine.
The next step to find the location and get the Ancient Sword in FF16 or Final Fantasy 16 is to go towards Mekith in The Steps of the Forgotten, but don’t actually go to Mekith. Instead, open the map and look south of Mekith. See where the path creates a kind of loop? Well, you need to go to the southern part of that loop and keep an eye out on the southern rock wall. That’s where you’ll spot the chest in which the Ancient Sword lies. Reminder; you don’t need to go through the Live and Let Live side quest in order to pick the weapon up. However, it’s a handy way to kill two birds with one stone.