Final Fantasy XV is being released in less than a month, and we are getting more and more information about this title. After Paris Games Week, we are treated to some new info again, as well as some pretty pictures.
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This time, we take a look at some of the FFXV new character renders.
Final Fantasy XV character renders
We have a chance to see some of the important people that Noctis will meet on his journey. Next to your companions in this game, Gladiolus, Prompto and Ignis, we will meet a variety of characters that will influence our heroes’ fates. Some of them are:
Cor Leonis – A long time king’s protector, he was in the service of King Regis for 30 years. He’s continued to serve under the Lucian Crownsguard. He will be a great ally in the field, as Noct and his best friends will have the chance to rely on his heroic abilities.
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Cid Sophiar – Cid operates the Hammerhead garage, and has been a long time friend of King Regis. Cid is the master mechanic. Beneath his grumpy surface, he is actualy a gentle and kind man.
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Cidney/Cindy Aurum – Cindy is the granddaughter of Cid, and she, like him, spends most of her time in the garage. She is also a mechanic and a person that Noct can rely on when he is on the road, driving with his friends in the Regalia.
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Iedolas Aldercapt – Emperor of Niflheim. Iedolas has launched an aggressive campaign so he could expand his territory. He has a superior airship and magitek armor technology that helped him achieve that. During the process, he offered a peace treaty, for reasons unknown.
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Ravus Nox Flueret – Ravus is Lunafreya’s brother. After the attack and occupation of Tenebrae, the town he spent most of the of his life in, he decides to join the Niflheim Imperial Army.
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Iris Amicitia – Gladiolus’ sister. She somehow managed to survive the attack of the Niflheim Empire, and now she lives in the city of Lestallum. Ever since she was a child, Noctis and Ignis were there by her side.