Final Fantasy XV Moogle Chocobo Carnival Mini Games
There are a lot of side activities you can do at the Moogle Chocobo Carnival in Final Fantasy XV. They are all fun in their own way, and completing them will get you some Choco-Mog Medallions, which can be used to buy items from three vendors in Altissia. In this guide, we’re going to give you a complete list of FFXV Moogle Chocobo Carnival mini games.

You can play this in the Arena Galviano. To get there, use the gondolas around the city, or the fast travel option using Carbuncle. Using your toy weapon, you need to hit Cactuars as many times as possible. There are three difficulties available: easy, normal and hard. Each one has a different score to beat and different opponents. At a certain point, a huge Cactuar will appear in the arena, and hitting him will get you even more points. Both cactuars are fast, and they will try their best to avoid your attacks. Also there will be a few enemies that will try to get in your way. On higher difficulty settings, there will be more enemies. Here are the required scores:
- Easy – 5000 points
- Normal – 7000 points
- Hard – 9000 points

Galviano Gallery
Also located in the Arena Galviano. You will be using a big turret to shoot multiple targets to earn points in a certain amount of time. Keep in mind that your turret can overheat if you shoot too many bullets at the same time, and that will stop you for a few seconds. There are three difficulties available: easy, normal and hard. At a certain point, a huge target will appear, and destroying it will grant you a lot of points. The required amount of points are:
- Easy – 5000 points
- Normal – 12000 points
- Hard – 35000 points

Chocobo races
The first one is called the Seaside Scamper. It has a lot of jumping around the docks with multiple obstacles. Completing it, you will get access to a race called Water Trotter. It is a bit harder, but definitely worth a try. Check the blue Chocobo icon with a flag on your map to initiate the races.

Waiting on Maagho
This time, you will be playing as a waiter in a local restaurant. There are also three difficulty settings. You will take different orders from multiple tables, run back to the bar, and then deliver the orders. It is like a memory game; the goal is to get all the orders right and earn points in a certain amount of time.

All About Moogles
Visiting the Square Enix cafe, you will find a big costumed Moogle that will ask you different questions, like a small quiz game. Your first answer will determine the next question. Here are all the answers:
- If you choose Kupo! You will get the question: Where can you buy Moogle doll materials? The correct answer is Lestallum.
- Choosing Kupo? will get you the question: How many Moogles are on display around the city? Correct answer is About 60.
- Choosing Kupo…, you will get the question: What type of lures are Moogle-shaped? Answer is Minnow.