Final Fantasy 15 Moogle Charm Locations - How To Get Extra EXP
Moogle Charms in Final Fantasy 15
There’s really a bunch of items you can find in Final Fantasy XV. Almost every single one of them has some kind of effect, allowing for a vast number of buffs and other alterations to Noctis and co. One of those items is the Moogle charm. The charm is crucial for EXP farming, because it gives you an extra 20% EXP gain while you wear it. In this guide, we’ll focus on the Moogle charm locations.
Daurell Caverns Moogle Charm
Now, most players find the Moogle charm fairly late in the game. It’s still useful, of course, but it comes in handy even more early on. Luckily, there is a way to get the item right around chapter 3. First off, travel just outside the tunnel in Schier Heights. Drive along until you notice a staircase on the side of the road. Get out of the car, then go down the stairs. Head to the right and you’ll find a dirt path with a sign saying Schier Heights. Follow the dirt road all the way to the dead end. Turn right and walk into the cave.
Welcome to Daurell Caverns. You might be a little underleveled for this dungeon, so I recommend that you avoid battles. If you do encounter something, try to escape. All you need to do is exit the red circle, and the fight will be over.
As you walk into the dungeon, stick to the left wall. At one point, you’ll reach an item on the ground. You’re at a fork in the road, so take the path on the right and squeeze through the narrow opening. Hopefully, you’ll bypass the lvl 41 Necromancer that way. If not, book it to the right before he gets you.
Once you’re through the gap, you’ll have to fight a lvl 17 Ronin. After you get rid of him, follow the path and drop down the ledges. At the bottom, go left and hop across the small waterbed. Keep close to the left wall and follow the ledge to the end. Enemies will spawn, but they won’t engage, so ignore them. Once you reach the end, run towards the cavern-like opening near the stalactites.
Keep going and eventually you’ll run into some green ponds. The water is poisonous, so try to avoid it. There’ll be a tiny landmass straight ahead with a treasure on it. Hop over and collect your Moogle charm. Note, however, that this treasure seems to be random, so it’d be smart to save before you pick the item up, and reload the game until you get what you need.

There is a moogle charm above the chocobo race track. Not sure if it was random but I got one there. There are two large rock arches above the chocobo race tacks, the thicker one has it and the other one has a star pendant I think. Just run through both. The moogle charm is on the thicker one, there is a section in the middle where there is a dip to one side, that is where the blue glowing item spot is. Then again it may be random, but that’s one place I got it not mentioned anywhere else to my knowledge. (Note, playing the windows version)
I can confirm the one moogle charm on the giant stone arc on top of the chocobo race track, especially for people who cant find one in Crestholm Channel. Playing the ps4 version btw.
I know this is arbitrary, but I’d like opinions on the best way to farm experience points and AP and GIL… #HELP
Is it possible to get the Moogle Charm from Iris in Chapter 3 as well? I have done the quest in Lambath Haven but I don’t know where Iris is after I did the Stroll quest with her
They patched it i think, cause now the coverage of neceomancer is wider, damn..
Once in battle, you cannot go through the small opening. 🙁 no escape from the Necro. T^T any tips?
leave the dungeon and then re-enter and you should be able to go through the small opening.
why wouldn’t you say AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TUTORIAL that after going through ALL of this that the item is random and that you may NOT get the moogle charm?
The item is not random dude there is only 4 charms in the game and the daurell caverns is i one i just walked in there found the item and that was it exactly where he said it was going to be.
Same here. Found it easy peezy!
There is not only 4 in the game, you can get 1 by playing the 10k gil version of JM5 aND getting 40 boxes aND quitting jm5 before you hit 45.
So if I was an idiot and accidentally sold 2 of them, I can play the arcade game and get back as many as I need?