Final Fantasy XV Monster of The Deep VR Fishing Game Released
If you thought the fishing mini-game was the best part of Final Fantasy XV, there’s probably something wrong with your eyes. You should have them checked. In the meantime, you can enjoy FFXV fishing in glorious VR, thanks to the newly released Monster of The Deep spin-off. It’s a great way to fish without actually fishing, visit Eos without actually playing FFXV and experience motion sickness without actually moving.

Apparently, it has a story to go with all the hardcore fishing action. You’ll be playing as an entirely new character, hopefully without feeling like the third (fifth?) wheel in Eos’ most popular boy band. It’s only available on Playstation 4 at this time, and you’ll need a PSVR headset. You’ll also need $30, because for some reason, the game isn’t free. Here’s the official description:
Dive into the story mode for an exhilarating, action-packed showdown with the notorious Monster of the Deep, or take in the sights, sounds, and scenery of FINAL FANTASY XV as you kick back and cast off in the free fishing mode. Bounties and tournaments offer fresh new challenges as you customize your rods, reels, and lures to catch the big one!
Exciting, right? Square Enix have released the launch trailer that should give you a feel for all the different stuff you’ll get to do in the game, like fishing. And fishing. And shooting crossbow bolts at fish. Yeah. You’re probably better off just waiting a few weeks until Episode Ignis hits the shelves. At least the story DLCs appear like some effort was put into them. In the meantime, you could give FFXV Comrades a spin – it’s pretty good, albeit a bit pricey. It will let you run around in a Moogle costume, though. You can’t put a price tag on that.