Final Fantasy XV Gets Non-combat Photos in January 2017 Update
After the December 2016 game update, it is time for the first new content in 2017. This update offers a Holiday Pack + Updates, Holiday Pack (free version) updates and the implementation of the new feature.

The update list was indexed on the Square Enix official updates page. With the help from the people from Gematsu, you can read it in English.
The list of updates is as follows:
- “Holiday Pack+” Updates
- Moogle Chocobo Carnival opened
- “Festive Ensemble (Noctis-only)” costume added
- “Holiday Pack + Exclusive” photo frames added
- “Holiday Pack (Free Version)” Updates
- Moogle Chocobo Carnival opened
- “Choco-Mog Tee (Noctis-only)” costume added
- “Holiday Pack (Free Version) Exclusive” photo frames added
- “Self-Photographing Feature” Implemented
- Players can freely take pictures outside of battle
One of the interesting features is the option to take pictures even outside battle, and to relieve Prompto of his duties. Whether he is going to be angry because of this or not, we’ll known once the update goes live. The important questions still stands: Can I take selfies in Final Fantasy XV? We’ll soon need an update to increase the limited amount of 150 pictures you can save for later use.
Whether you access the paid content or not, you can enjoy the Moogle Chocobo Carnival either way. It takes place in Altissia. If you haven’t already, be sure to progress that far into the story. The latest Chocobo Carnival Trailer shows some extent of the changes and the features expected.
This update comes after the major 1.03 December 2016 update. Beside many bug fixes, this patch offered a New Game + and items like Warrior’s Fanfare, Nixperience Band and more.
The date of the January 2017 updates was released earlier this year, when the Moogle Chocobo Carnival start date was announced. At the same time, we’ve found out that six million copies of FFXV have been shipped.