Final Fantasy XV Fishing Festival at Moogle Chocobo Carnival
The Fishing Festival at the Moogle Chocobo Carnival offers a unique fishing experience. The festival fish you have to catch have tags on them. Each tag is makerd with one letter from A through J. Depending on the tags, you’ll get different rewards. They go from a single Choco-Mog Medallion, up to the Howling Gust rod. In this guide, we’re going to tell you all you need to know about FFXV Moogle Chocobo Carnival Fishing Festival.

Fishing at Moogle Chocobo Carnival
There are three fishing spots at the Moogle Chocobo Carnival. These are the same ones you’ve seen in the main game. It figures, because the festival takes place in Altissia.
- Moogle Chocobo Carnival Fishing posters are all around Altissia. Interact with them to see the full in-game info about this activity.
- The three fishing spots are: Gondola Marina, Sanelio Plaza and Furgola Canal.
- Some of the fish you can catch are: Coral Allural Sea Bass, Cygillan Sea Bass, Tide Grouper, Lucinian Sea Bass, Big Blaze Bahamut, Red Barrelfish…
- Do not worry if you came to the festival without lures or lines. You can buy them from the Prize Counter Vendors at the Carnival. The lures costs one medal each.
- Dragon’s Beard – 2 000 durability line for 3 Choco-Mog Medallions
- Super Baleen – 1 500 durability line for 2
- Spider Silk – 1 000 durability line for 1
- Stormer: Focalor – lure suited for Cygillan Sea Bass and Striped Barramundi.
- Stormer: Purple Belly Focalor – lure suited for Lucinian Sea Bass and Striped Barramundi.
- Stormer: Chert Focalor – lure suited for Cygillan Sea Bass and Striped Barramundi
- Fishing experience gained at the festival, along with all the other prizes, transfers to the main game after you leave the carnival.
- The prize list depends on the tag:
- A – Rod (Howling Gust – 110 defense rod)
- B – Reel (Albireo – 245 attack reel)
- C – Lure (Poppeck: Tinselred Chocobo lure suited for Crimson Trevally)
- D – Lure (Mog Rank: Rubygold Moogle lure suited for Redeye Bass)
- E-J – Choco-Mog Medallions, etc.

Before you start fishing, do not forget to order a Kupoberry Cheesecake from the Square Enix Cafe. This meal decreases damage to the fishing line by 25%. It also teaches you a recipe after you eat it. You can craft it from Sheep Milk, a Leiden Sweet Potato and a Duscaen Orange for later usage in the main game.

Just fyi, you can’t actually buy lures/lines at the festival. I don’t know about the last festival but I’ve checked all the stores in this one and none of them sell fishing stuff…
Never mind. You have to speak to the prize attendants on the left side of the counter to access fishing stuff.