Final Fantasy 15 Secret Locations & Quests
Pitioss Secret Dungeon
This dungeon is only reachable once you unlock Regalia Type-F. It’s located in the southwester area of the map, and contains an extremely long and difficult jumping puzzle. If you need instructions to help you finish it, take a look at our secret dungeon Pitioss guide.
Vesperpool Secret Fishing Spot
There’s a fishing spot at Vesperpool that can’t be reached on foot. You’ll need to hop on your chocobo and swim there if you want to use it. It’s called the Islet, and it’s located on the northwestern coast. There’s a merchant next to the pier, so you can resupply there as well – no need to return to the other side until you’re done. If you’re interested for other places where you can partake in the royal hobby, check out our fishing locations guide.
Stealing the Past quest
This secret quest can be started after you’ve beaten the game. You’ll have to eavesdrop on a conversation in Lestallum, then head on to Pitioss dungeon and grab a specific item. It’s extremely easy to miss, and it rewards you with a dizzying 50,000 EXP. If you want to know the specifics, be sure to check out our Stealing the Past secret quest guide.
Hard to reach high places
There are several high places in the game that can’t be reached by regular methods. If you ever saw a glimpse of an item atop a rock and wondered how to get it, you’re in luck. The tool you need here is a level 10 chocobo. Once they hit max level, they’re able to jump high enough to get to these places.
The first one we’ve found is in Causcherry Plains, south of the Disc, on top of a storage container. The item you’ll get is the Insular Inners, an accessory that gives you +20% lightning resistance.
If you want an accessory that gives +20% bullet resistance, you should go to Kelbass Grasslands, west of the Disc. There’s an office near the pipeline, with some tanks next to it. Jump onto the tanks, then onto the roof. This is where you’ll find the Bulletproof Suit.

why cant i see the islet and cape at vesperpool?i have been playing offline since the beginning and have not updated yet with the Day one patch. do i need the install the patch to gain access to them?
Let it install, you’ll get the new cut-scenes :d What exactly can’t you see? The island in northern part of the Vesperpool or?
Yea there are two spots only accessible by chocobo. The one in the top left and top right. The hidden one in the top right gives you the arapaima which is difficult to catch but worth it.