Rusted Bit Locations - Final Fantasy XV a Better Engine Blade
Rusted Bit is an item in Final Fantasy XV. It is a piece of rusted metal, which has no apparent value, but can be used in many different ways. You can sell it at a vendor, but the more important thing is that during the A Better Engine Blade quest, you can give it to Cid at Hammerhead Garage, and he’ll upgrade your engine blade weapon. Its worth of 300 Gil at vendors is not great, but makes up in value for side quest completion alone. Just make sure you don’t mix it with spells in Elemancy, because the effect it adds is that you can sometimes fail casting your spell. FFXV Rusted Bit locations guide shows you where to find this item, so you can complete A Better Engine Blade quest & upgrade your weapon in a breeze.
Where to find Rusted Bit in FF XV
You can find the first bit at Galdin Quay, in the far south of Leide. Walk to the end of the pier, and you’ll see a white-blue striped pole. The treasure is next to it, on the ground.There’s one in the Prairie Outpost, in the northern part of Leide (completely opposite of the previous location). Once you’re there, look for a water tower. Use a ladder to climb up, and you’ll find the treasure on the platform.
One of the places you can find it is the Keycatrich Trench dungeon (you visit it during Chapter 2 of the main story quest). Once you enter the dungeon, go forward as far as you can. Turn right when you hit the wall, then left. You’ll find the item in a pile of rubble in that very dead end.
When you turn a couple of corners, you’ll find another one. Go left, through the room with the Lightning node, then turn left into the dead end. The bit is in the rubble.
Two rusted bits are hidden in the Greyshire Glacial Grotto dungeon. That’s the one behind the waterfall, where the main quest leads you. Hug the left wall after you enter the dungeon, and you’ll soon find the first one. The second one is near the middle of the large room, next to some stalagmites.
Visit Fociaugh Hollow dungeon, where you’ll end up while trying to unlock Ramuh in the main quest. As a result of doing this main quest you’ll be able to pick up two of them. The first one is right across the room from the entrance, while the other is deeper into the dungeon, near a fire essence node.
There’s one in the Balouve Mines dungeon, in Leide. It’s on the tracks, in the corridor leading from the entrance to the elevator.
One is hidden east of the Cauthess Disc, at the Cauthess Coernix Station. Cross the road when you get there, and look for a pile of rubble on the other side. The bit will be on it.
Go to the Taelpar Rest Area outpost in the south of Duscae. Go behind the diner there, and you’ll find a rusted bit in the grass. Another one is hidden behind the turquoise car between the buildings.
Once you’ve got the Rusted bit, head back to Cid in Hammerhead garage. Hand him the item, and consequently you will complete the A Better Engine Blade quest. The next steps of the quest will require you to get a Glass Gemstone and a Sturdy Helixhorn.

There is another one in the floor BF1 of the Balouve Mines, east side of the map