FFXV Fishing Quest

FFXV Fishing Questline is made up of side quests dedicated to Noctis’ favorite hobby. Completing this quest line will raise Noctis’ skill, let you learn new cooking recipes, discover new fishing spots, learn something about Navyth – the quest giver, and more.
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To make your fishing even more enjoyable, be sure to invest Ability Points to unlock Angler Action (gain AP for catching a fish, 18 AP). The fishing spots I’ve used to catch the quest fish are the ones next to the Navyth. In this guide, we’re going to help you complete Final Fantasy XV Fishing quests.

Fishing Buddies – Crag Barramundi

The first fishing quest is the Fishing Buddies quest. To complete it, you have to catch the Crag Barramundi. Fishing buddies quest is located next to the marshy waters north from the Wiz Chocobo Post, south from the Coernix Station.To catch the Crag Barramundi, take a look at the mini map, at the upper right corner. Aim the pole toward the location of the yellow dots. This is where you can catch Crag Barramundi. I managed to catch it while it was day (1pm) with a Sweet Jamming lure.

As for the reward, you’ll get 1 500 EXP, a Knife T. Tonberry lure and the Grilled Wild Barramundi recipe (+80 attack and magic, +500 health).

Fishing Naturally – Cherrycomb Trout

The second one is the Fishing Naturally quest. The main objective is to catch a Cherrycomb Trout. Navyth, who gives you the quest, is located west from Lestallum. Follow the road to the west, until you cross the river, in the vicinity of the Mynbrum Haven Campground.To catch the Cherrycomb Trout, you need to aim for the fish marked as a yellow dot with a small ring around it (minimap). The lure I used was from the previous fishing quest reward – Knife T. Tonberry. It was early in the morning when I cought the fish (8am).

As for the reward, you’ll get 2 000 EXP and the Butterfly Edge (150 defense rod).

Navyth’s Challenge – Vesper Gar

Things get messy with the next one Navyth’s Challenge quest. What makes it difficult is the quest objective – a rare fish called Vesper Gar. Navyth will wait for you next to the Vesperpool, located in the northwestern part of the map.To catch this fish, the best thing you can do is to see what it looks like. It has a long, thin body. It is marked with a blue mark on the mini map. Once you throw in the lure, pay attention to the fish below the surface and search for the one that looks like the Vesper Gar. The lure I used is a Stinker and it was at dawn (5am).

As for the reward, you’ll get 3 000 EXP and the Invincible Iron Giant lure (it dives when reeled in and floats when tension is released).

Angler’s Nightmare – Devil of the Cygillan

Galdin Quay (in the southeastern part of the map) is the next stop. Head there and look for Navyth on the beach. To complete the Angler’s Nightmare quest, you’ll need to catch the Devil of the Cygillan.

You’ll have to be at least level 7 in order to catch it. It can be found at the Galdin Shoals fishing spot – you’ll find it by following the coast to the east from the restaurant. It won’t be visible on the minimap unless you have level 10 fishing. You’ll get 5000 EXP when you finally catch it, along with the Tranquility rod (290 defense). It took us about 10 minutes to catch with using the Whiskers: Pearly Moogle lure, although we’ve heard other lures can be used as well.

Thanks to hirumi for the additional info.

Author Lokesh profile picture
Lokesh still remembers Purra, the cat from Aion, and how finding her and helping other players by spreading the information made him feel proud. Presenting precise and clear guidelines that readers can easily comprehend is the goal he strives for. That being the case, please excuse the numerous lists and tables in his articles.



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  1. A
    Anne de Marie

    The vesper gar isnt a blue spot but it is a golden spot with a ring around it

  2. H

    Caught Murk Grouper @ 1700 with Stormer (red) lure, no rain… @ LEVEL 3 FISHING!!

  3. C

    Caught it fairly easily with the “Burrower: Abyss Worm” lure. It is a Murk Grouper, so that lure made sense to me. It took the bait on my second cast and I landed it within a few minutes. My fishing is only level 6, so you definitely do not need level 10 to catch it. Dragon’s Beard is a must, though. Even with the Dragon Drain rod and Avior reel (from the fishing pack), it can be a challenge. Even still, the Burrower: Abyss Worm worked perfectly.

  4. R

    If you attend the moogle chocobo festival you can eat a kupoberry cheesecake, which decreases damage to fishing line by 25%, Noctis will learn the recipe and in regular play ignis can cook it for you anytime. This really helps with catching more challenging fish. I had around 1200/2000 line durability after catching it. I believe the festival is going on til september 2017 now, and you just have to download the free holiday pack to access it

  5. S

    Believe it or not, I just caught 2 Murk Groupers in a row using the same line. Ended it with 460/2000 durability left.

  6. J

    Your Anglers Nightmare advice is bull!!! How can you use the Tranquillity rod to catch it if that’s what you’re given when you catch the fish???

    1. A

      It dosen’t say to use the tranqulity rod wtf are you on about it says you get it for completing it alongside the 500xp

  7. J
    J S

    I was level 5 when i caught the devil of the cygillan. I dont think skill level matters that much.

  8. C
    Chris Yong

    Catch it with Whisker: Pearly Moogle on first attempt, it takes me approx. 5 minutes with just 17 left on my line points, lol

  9. O

    The Grouper wasn’t that hard in the end. Caught it on my second try. I had level 10 fishing, the Dragon’s beard line, Hot breather Red dragon lure, Butterfly edge Rod and galatea Reel. Took around 5 minutes to reel it in. Still had 720 durability left as well when I caught it. I have caught loads of fish prior so I’ve settled on a method of reel and hold that seems to work for.

  10. D

    I caught this with the Dragon’s Beard Line, Knife T. Tonberry Lure, Death Spin Rod and Nereid Reel while having level 6 fishing. Took about 7 or so minutes to catch, so you need patience

  11. K

    I got to catch it at level 8 with Llymlaen reel, Death spin and whiskers: pearly moogle. It wasn’t shown at the map so I had to look for it until I called its attention. It was a really hard fight but I could end up with 800 of durability left. Took me some minutes to finish. If you are not level 10 yet, try searching around where there aren’t spots, you’re certainly gonna caaren’t!

  12. F

    Muck Grouper. Caught it with Knife Tonberry Lure at lv 8. It’s only the biggest fish in the pond, sticks out like a sore thumb.

  13. S

    Just got it level 2 fishing
    dragon’s beard with full durability
    death spin rod
    nereid reel
    and hot breather:green dragon lure
    the needed level 7 is false
    a guy just needs a lot of patience for it, and time the attack and focus on the movement
    nothing more
    im sure the levels help though

  14. T

    can i catch Murk Grouper again after i catched it for the quest?

    1. Haven’t tried it yet, can’t tell.

  15. L

    Lol funny reading these posts some people acting like no it alls saying you have to do it his and that way. Im lvl 7 fishing, used Hot Breather: Red Dragon lure, Dragons Beard for the line death spin rod and nereid reel (I haven’t even unlocked the boat yet to go to altissia so you don’t need the arena lure). You can’t see the fish on the radar till lvl 10 apparently. The fish bit for me just as it was getting dark so i dont think the time of day matters too much. You can sometimes see it swimming around i just cast out and keep reeling in till it spotted my lure.

  16. K

    If you camp at vesperpool with fishing ranked up a bit You’ll get a side quest with Gladiolus use sweet jamming moose to catch objective upon completion you will recieved lure needed for to catch the big one at Galvin quay

  17. N

    I did it with lvl 8 fishing, but you need the gear that sold in toto game in altis it cost 85.000 medal but its worthed

  18. D

    Just letting you all know, last fish isn’t marked on the minimap, you don’t need to be level 10 but it’d be best to be at least level 7. Best rod and line are at a shop in vesperpool, best reel and lure to use are in the arena in altissia.

    be patient with this one! it might take a bit longer, but do quicker taps when it’s calm. the reason why I say do quick taps instead of just holding the trigger down for a solid 2 seconds, is because you cannot be late to turn or be reeling when it starts thrashing. it’ll take a big toll on your line. caught this guy in about 7-10 minutes, only 200 dura missing from my line and I’m only level 8 in fishing.

  19. N

    You literally dont need any of what you guys are saying. I just now caught him at level 8, with the big blaze bahamut lure. That lure is good for catching ANYTHING.

  20. A

    Just caught it, level 7 Fishing, Tonberry lure. It spawned towards the left side of the fishing hole for me. Good luck !

  21. B

    As for the 3rd fish Vesper Gar, camping in that area triggers event with Gladio, asking you to go fishing in the morning. Leading you to the pier close to the fishing shop. Time does not pass during that event and theres always a Vesper Gar in the pond, marked with a yellow circle. If you dont manage to get him, camp once more to trigger the event again. As for me, i always cleared the pond and camped till i got lvl7 fishing, 30% line durability or sth, making it easy to get that fish in the end.

  22. A
    A guy with stuff

    The second last fish is marked by a large yellow circle, not a blue one.

  23. H

    again you need to be lvl 10 or to get lure from arena at astelia. the fish you are trying to caught is a regular “big” fish but to caught big fish you need to be able to fish at 54 feet deepth. That’s simple to understand, the bonus of lvl 1à finish is the capacity to fish at 54 feets :p

    1. K

      You actually don’t need to be fishing level 10 in order to catch it, I literally just did it at fishing level 8, you just need a lure that sinks like the Fatal Roulette: Floating Eye lure, which is what I used to catch it and I didn’t get that from the arena as I’ve not been there yet.

  24. S
    Senketsu Kira

    Has everyone tried the second fishing spot in galdin quay for the Devil of the Cygillan

    1. I’ve tried it, but wasn’t lucky at all:C

    2. K

      Camped Galdin Shoals for the Devil of Cygillan/Muk Grouper for several days to no avail. Checked Vannath Coast (where the vendor is) as another guide suggested, and lo and behold! Found it right away! I used a Big Blaze Bahamut lure and caught it during the day.

  25. K

    Caught the Devil of Cygillan using the arena lure in Galdin Quay during the day. Its a Muck grouper.


    1. Z

      Arena lure? Where do you get that? I’ve checked all shops and there’s not a lure called the arena lure

      1. There is no lure called Arena Lure. He might be thinking about the one you get from Arena Galviano, in Altissia, during the Totomostro mini game.

  26. H

    yo, you just have to be lvl 1à in fishing then you are able to fish “big” fish and you will spot him at any time of the day 😉

    1. Is it the Devil of the Cygillan or some other fish?

  27. A

    Knife T. Tonberry. lost mine

    where to buy

  28. A
    Anthony Stanton

    the creature rarely strays into the light (day) you can spend the whole DAY searching, and not see a shadow (u dont get a shadow at night)

    1. What about the moonlight? 😀

  29. A
    Anthony Stanton

    seems obvious to me .. fish at night for the last one ??

    1. F

      Nope. You fish it during the day. Depending on your lure you might have to clear out the pond a bit before attempting to land a hook on him. He’ll stick out like a sore thumb. (**hint: he wont have a marker beacon on your mini map)

  30. A

    For that last Fish… it’s still a mystery for me too, sometimes i can see a big fish in the water but i can”t catch him, he is just swimming around.. i though maybe we will be able to catch him when it weather is rainy ? idk i’m lost xD

    1. Was thinking the same thing. I’ve even try all the lures, but without luck :C .

      1. F

        My friends claim to have caught it as early as lv 3 fishing. (You can’t attempt to catch it early on if you have the Tonberry Lure) I however, didn’t manage to catch it until I hit lv 10. I used “Dragon’s Beard” Fishing Line, “Butterfly Edge” Rod, Galatea reel, and the “Hot Breather: Blue Dragon” lure. Don’t expect it to be easy. I was fighting the fish for a good 7 minutes until I landed it. Be very precise with your rod angle and don’t mess up any reeling actions, losing durability. I ended the fight with 200/2,000 durability left over. Good luck!

        1. F

          EDIT: You *CAN* attempt to catch it early on if you have the Tonberry Lure)

      2. T

        I used the tonberry lure at level 9 with the rod and real you can buy from the vesperpool shop, he didnt show on my little map, but you can see him jumping if you watch the water without casting.

        1. T

          i caught the damn thing with 11/2000 durability left, Level 7 fishing, with a red dragon lure. I was so Lucky. But it took around 30 minutes to catch…

    2. D

      That fish is nothing compared to catching the arapaima. Go sleep at camp at “The Vesperpool” and it will start a quest

    3. K

      It really is the easiest fish to catch, Just toss in a pair of Gladios dirty boxers, then have Prompto drop a Gravisphere and cast Thundaga. BOOM fried fish for dinner.

    4. N

      I seriously have hook it with that Knife T. Tonberry lure at Vannath Coast/Galdin Quay when i was so low level at fishing, its there swimming in the sea, but it doesnt show on the minimap, i just caught all fish and end up its got interested on the bait, too bad i dont understand fishing yet that time and end up lost my bait amd the fish. Now im trying to find it again, btw its morning/afternoon and sunny day that time i hooked it.