Final Fantasy 15 XV Moogles Locations in Brothers Kupomazov quest
Final Fantasy XV’s first DLC Moogle Chocobo Carnival has arrived with additional features and content updates. This new event brought a lot of fun activities for everyone’s taste like the new photo system, new quests, outfits, new recipes and medals that can be earned in the Chocobo Races. In order to participate in the Moogle Chocobo Carnival event you’ll need a Carnival Passport which comes with the Season Pass. The Carnival is a limited-time event and if you want to participate in it, don’t forget it runs until February 20th.

You can start the quest at the notice board, northeast from where you arrive at the Carnival. The objective requires you to find and photograph six specific moogle dolls. They are scattered around the Carnival. You’ll get two Choco-Mog Medallions for each one of them, and six for completing the quest.
Moogle Dolls locations
One of the most interesting quests that can be completed during the Moogle Chocobo Carnival is The Brothers Kupomazov. In this quest your task is to photograph six Moogle dolls.
The first moogle is found at the entrance to the SQUARE ENIX Cafe. The Eldest Moogle sits on top of the cafe sign. The second moogle is really close to the first one. Look over the fence, and you’ll see a tall tower. On the lower floor window, The Youngest Moogle is relaxing. To take a picture of it, you’ll have to come closer.
The next one is in a rather strange location. Head north from the previous ones. After a long golden hallway, you’ll come across a lamppost. I guess The Fourth Moogle really likes the nighttime warmth. We are now after the next one. For some reason, it’s called The Second Moogle – probably to confuse us. You’ll have to find a large statue of a woman in the area. She will be holding our precious friend in her arms.
This one is the hardest to find. It doesn’t have a stationary position. You have to find a specific gondola with the chocobo on its bow. It is a bit easier to spot it during the night. This one is called The Third Moogle. For the final one, head to Arena Galviano. You’ll need to take the single line gondola to reach it. Once inside, head straight forward, until you reach the end. Look up, and you’ll see The Fifth Moogle on the large pillar.
After you collect all the dolls, be sure to check out the quest log. You’ll be able to find some info about each of the moogles on the “completed” tab.

It wasn’t called the “Second Moogle” to confuse you, it is referring to the brothers’ ages, hence why you also find the Eldest and Youngest Moogles instead of First or Sixth.
Otherwise thanks for the helpful guide!