A Better Pair of Plunderers Quest is one of the many side quests in Final Fantasy XV. To activate it, you need to get the Plunderers and go talk to Cid Sophiar.
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The Plunderers are daggers with a very useful special power. We’ll demonstrate how to upgrade Plunderers in this guide.
Note: This guide is a work in progress. We will continue to update it as we gather more info.
FFXV Pair of Plunderers Upgrade
The Plunderers are a very powerful pair of daggers. They have the ability to absorb elemental energy when dealing the finishing blow to enemies. Needless to say, this makes them a very useful asset. Once you get them, it’ll be really handy to upgrade them as well. the only way to obtain these daggers is by going to Cape Caem farm and growing carrots. Harvest them, and Tony, the restaurant owner, will come over and offer to trade stuff for your carrots. You’ll need four carrots to trade, and you can get the daggers.
The next step is to visit Cid to activate the quest and find out which item he’ll need to upgrade the Plunderers. As it turns out, you’ll have to go and fetch him a Barbed Scythe. The only way we’ve found to get them is by killing Soldier Wasps in the Malmalam Thicket dungeon. There’s quite a bit of them, so it shouldn’t be a problem. If you do get stuck, check out our FFXV Barbed Scythe Locations guide.
When you eventually get the item you need, wrap up the dungeon and head straight to Cid. Give him the Barbed Scythe and the Plunderers and he’ll take care of the rest. You’re free to do a few quests, then go and rest for a few days. When you get the call that he’s done, go back and take your new Plunderers II.