A Better Force Stealer quest is a side quest in Final Fantasy XV. The Force Stealer is a sword with a very advantageous special ability.
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Of course, it’ll work even better when upgraded. In this guide, we aim to show you how to upgrade Force Stealer.
Note: This guide is a work in progress. We will continue to update it as we gather more info.
FFXV Force Stealer Upgrade
The Force Stealer is a powerful weapon. Its special ability is to absorb elemental energy when dealing the finishing blow to enemies. This makes it an incredibly valuable weapon, and well worth upgrading. You can only get this weapon by growing carrots on the Cape Caem farm. When you harvest them, a restaurant owner called Tony will appear and offer to buy the carrots. You’ll need to have four carrots to trade for the Force Stealer.
Cid is more than happy to upgrade the Force Stealer for you, but you’ll have to obtain a Monster Claw for that. This item is a drop item. You can get it by killing the Bandersnatch in Malmalam Thicket. Make sure you use weapons that make it easier to target appendages to maximize the drop chance. For a more detailed explanation, check out our Monster Claw Locations guide.
Once you have your Monster Claw, travel back to Cid’s location. Fork over the item and the Force Stealer and let Cid do his thing. It’ll probably take him a few days to finish working on your weapon, so you’re free to complete side quests and hunts. Go back to Cid, and if he doesn’t have it ready, go and rest for a few days. Five days should be enough and you’ll get the call from Cid that the weapon is ready. Go to him and collect your Force Stealer II.