A Better Bioblaster quest is a side quest in Final Fantasy XV. The Bioblaster is a weapon that Noctis and Prompto can use.
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If you tend to lean on the Bioblaster, you’ll really want to upgrade it. To do so, you’ll need to procure certain items and hand them over to Cid Sophiar, so that he can make the weapon stronger. We will show you how to upgrade Bioblaster in this guide.
Note: This guide is a work in progress. We will continue to update it as we gather more info.
FFXV Bioblaster Upgrade
In order to upgrade your weapons, you’ll have to go to Cid Sophiar. Cid is a master mechanic, and since he’s got nothing better to do, he’s prepared to help you out by upgrading your machinery weapons.
For the first upgrade to the Bioblaster, you’ll need to find a Dynamo. Dynamos are items that you can find scattered around the world. If you happen to have one, give it to Cid. However, dynamos are pretty tough to find. If you’re having trouble with locating them, check out our FFXV Dynamo Locations guide.
Both Noctis and Prompto can use the Bioblaster. However, out of the vast arsenal of weapons that Noctis can use (especially after you unlock some seriously awesome weapons in the Armiger Arsenal), the point is kinda moot. Prompto, on the other hand, is way better with handguns, since his focus is more on speed and precision to nickel-and-dime enemies than on dealing massive, but somewhat slower damage. However, since the upgraded version of the Bioblaster deals much more damage and has noticably better stats, it might just come in handy. With the correct use of Ascension skill tree to unlock combo attacks between Noctis and Prompto’s use of machinery weapons, you can do some serious damage output.