FFXV Episode Prompto DLC Tease Found at End of Episode Gladiolus
The first story DLC for FFXV, Episode Gladiolus, is out today. Eager players have immediately jumped at the opportunity to find out more about the adventures of the party’s muscle. However, there’s a surprise waiting at the end. Episode Gladiolus is hiding a teaser for FFXV Episode Prompto DLC. Possible light spoilers ahead.

Prompto Argentum is the life of the party. He’s the humorous one, always ready to crack a joke and to lift the spirits of his friends. However, his past is fairly complicated and sad. Prompto was a test subject in Niflheim’s military experiments. Verstael Besithia, his biological father, is the lead magitek engineer. It’s unknown how Prompto came to be adopted by a family in Insomnia, but he keeps his past a secret for the majority of the game. He’s also insecure over his common upbringing, as opposed to the rest of the crew.
Some players have discovered that, upon completing Episode Gladiolus, they got to see an extended teaser for Episode Prompto. In the video, we can see Prompto in the snowy mountains. He approaches an immobile figure lying in the snow. He’s carrying a gun, clearly intent on shooting whoever is lying in the snow. He falters for a second, and we can see a tear rolling down his cheek. Then, he regains his composure somewhat, aims the gun again, and we can hear the gun fire. You can check out the video below.
As you can see, the teaser is pretty intense and emotional, and it shows us a completely different Prompto than the one we’re used to. People have already started guessing as to who the figure in the snow might be. The majority seems to believe that it’s Prompto’s father Verstael. If that’s the case, could it mean that we’ll finally get some closure to Prompto’s story arc? We’ll have to wait and see.
Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto DLC is coming out in June, 2017.