Black Hood, Ring of Lucii, Dominator, Ultima Blade - FF 15 Best End Game Items
Best end game items in Final Fantasy XV include top tier equipment, stuff you can easily use to defeat even the strongest enemies. They include the Black Hood, Ring of Lucci, the Dominator and the Ultima Blade. Once you’ve got them, you’ll be an unstoppable force. Not even the level 99 enemies will pose a serious threat. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get FFXV best ending items.
FFXV Black Hood
The Black Hood is an accessory you can get late in the game. It’s located at the very end of Pitioss Dungeon – you can’t miss it. All you need to do is beat the dungeon. To even get there, you’ll need the Regalia Type-F flying car.
When you equip it, it will make you automatically evade all attacks, making you practically invulnerable. Only Noctis can use it, though.
Ring of Lucii in FF 15
The Ring of Lucii is an heirloom of the Lucian kings. As such, you’ll get it automatically during the main story, in chapter 13. It will allow you to cast advanced magic, including a spell that lets you heal by dealing damage to your opponents. If there’s a particularly difficult enemy, you could consider leaving them for later, after you’ve obtained the ring.
Final Fantasy 15 Dominator
Although the Armiger weapons are generally the best ones you can find, there are weapons that exceed them in some regards. The Dominator is one such weapon. It’s a greatsword that does a crazy amount of damage (583 attack), while also increasing your health and dark resistance. You’ll find it by the buildings north of Alstor Slough, in Duscae.
Final Fantasy XV Ultima Blade
The Ultima Blade is part of Noctis’ heirloom. You can get it by upgrading the Engine Blade, your starting weapon, through a quest called A Better Engine Blade. It’s not the best weapon you can get, but it has emotional value. It also absorbs elemental energy from fallen enemies, meanwhile increasing MP and magic, which is always a plus. In order to get it, you’ll need three rare items:
FFXV Ribbon
The Ribbon is an accessory you can obtain later in the game. It prevents almost all status ailments – it’s like having five or six accessories in one slot. There are two ways to obtain it:
- It can be bought from a merchant in Altissia, using oracle coins. You’ll need 40, so it’s a bit expensive.
- The other option isn’t any less time-consuming – You’ll receive the Ribbon once you complete the Frogs of Legend quest.

Equipment should be blue diamond bracelet, diamond bracelet and black hood.
Apocalypse is stronger and more attack 597. Equipped with lucii , katana of the warrior and any maxicast you will be a god.
You can also get a ribbon by playing the heroes/monsters pinball game in Altissia. The one near the oracle coin vender, that costs 10,000 GIl to play.
You need to win between 80-89 pieces of wood. (or whatever that wood looking thing is called)
I have the apocalypse and the balmung, these 2 are much better than ultima and dominate, apocalypse is 597 damage and can be find at a dungeon after finishing the main story, I don’t remember where though
You can get another rubbon from the hunting quest in lestallum lvl 99 Ayakashi reward bounty
My Ultima Weapon only has attack of 208 and Dominator attack of 265. Is this something to do with the day-1 patch? I don’t have wifi in my current place so can’t update.
yup they was buffed in crown update
found a greatsword earlier that has 597 damage so its a little better than the dominator its called apocalypse
You can’t trade lmfao . It’s possible he’s bs you and glitches into pitios ruins somehow cuz there is only 1 in the game .
Yes u can the dude offers other stuff to its lik 40 oracle coins tho
Best greatsword is Apocalypse
Best sword is Balmung
Best Daggers are Zwii Crossblades
Best Pistol is death penalty
Best fire spell is flare
Best ice spell is freeze
Best lightning spell is electon
Black hood isnt worth the trouble really
Ribbon is great but situational
Ring of Lucii is good the higher your level is but useless for high level bosses
Add the ribbon accessory to this list you get it from treating in Oracle ascension coins in Altissia.
Apparently there is somewhere in the open world you can get the black hood my friend has it and is only on chapter 3 i was so pissed cause i went through that dungeon to get it and he has it sadly he doesnt remember where he got it but if someone knows it would be a better alternative then clearing that dungeon lol
Well your friend is bullshitting my riend because you can only get the black hood from the end game secret dungeon
well then his screen shot is bull shit to right?
There is new game + in this game. Your friend just beat the game already, got the hood, then started a new game + file and still has it. Not rocket science.
you do know you can do that dungeon before end game right?
No you can’t, you need to be in chapter 15 in order to get Regalia F and fly over to that dungeon.
Stop lying.
Weapon, use Balmung. If you’re not done with the game yet, use Ultima Blade.
Armor, Use Magitek Exosuit, when it’s energy is depleted, adjust the time on your computer to 1 day plus.
Accessory, Use accessories that will boost your attack.
During a fight, use Promptos Piercer and Igni’s Enhance.
I finished the game twice (Including new game+) and completed all the quests except the one where you help the guys with a broken down car (I only realized that after finishing with my second play through and will finish it as well).
SWORD: While the Ultima Blade is mad strong, Damage per minute wise (DPM) The Balmung is better than any weapon in the game. With the right combination of abilities (i.e. Promptos Piercer to lower enemy defense, and Ignis’ Enhance) you can easily dish out 8000+ damage with this sword.
Yes there are other weapons (great swords for example) with a higher damage, but DPM wise, since they are slower, you are dealing less damage to the enemy at the same amount of time as you would with the Balmung.
ARMOR: Forget the Black hood just use the Magitek Exosuit!! No enemy (Except Omega) can hit you. Use it to defeat ANY enemy including Adamantoise. Just concentrate on attacks and you’re good to go! Downside with this armor though is that you are invincible for only 30 minutes. You will have to wait for 20 real world hours for it to be charged up again. Upside though, you can manually adjust the clock in your computer!! (Once you start taking damage, advance the time on your computer and the armor will be fully charged again!)
ACCESSORY: The best is the Ribbon since you’re protected from any status attack. But if you’re using the Magitek Exosuit, defensive accessories don’t matter. Just use any accessory that will boost your attack so you can kill enemies faster since your party will have a higher DPM
Did you even play the game dude?
Screenshot don’t mean shit. It’s impossible. You can’t get access to the flying car in chapter 3 and unless he’s level 90 I highly doubt he’s gonna beat the dungeon without the rest of the team.
lvl dosn’t matter there are no enemies in the dungeon only dmg you will take is fall dmg
man, i cant find the domitator there, havent finished the history yet
The Balmung does 446 damage, its a better sword then the Ultima Blade
yes, but it requires going through a lvl 90 dungeon after the game is finished, so its more difficult to get than ultima.
U can find a second dominator as well as a sky gemstone and a wizard shield in keycatrich Trench once u open the secret door
Is the dominator stronger than Ironduke though? (I havent reached both but just wondering)
Iron Duke is only 2 points weaker than Dominator at a 581 attack.