Ascension Skill Tree
Ascension Skill List shows which additional character abilities you can unlock in Final Fantasy XV. Ascension is the place where you’ll spend your hard-earned Ability Points (AP).
You’ll need to use AP to activate nexuses on the Astralsphere. This action requires new abilities. Ability Points can be earned by leveling up, completing quests and strategic ops, or by impressing your friends in conversation.

Note: Character’s first letters are placed inside a [] brackets to avoid a mess.

Note: Character’s first letters are placed inside a [] brackets to avoid a mess.
If you want to learn more about all the thing you can do in game visit our FFXV Tips & Tricks guide.
Magic Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Magic Ascension is a part of Nexus that refines and boosts your spells. Activate these nodes to improve your magical prowers.- [N] Elementalism (absorb more energy from elemental deposits) – 24 AP
- Magic Level (Enhance magic of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 48 AP
- Magic Level II (Enhance magic of each party member by three times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 99 AP
- [N] Elementality (Absorb even more energy from elemental deposits.) – 72 AP
- [N] Elemagnetism (Enhance energy absorption rate of element-absorbing weapons) – 48 AP
- [N] Enhanced Elementality (Absorb much more energy from elemental deposits) – 99 AP
- [N] Powercraft (Enhance potency by 10 when crafting spells) – 20 AP
- [N] Magic Action (Gain AP for using elemancy) – 24 AP
- [N] Bonuspell (Receive an extra spell when crafting) – 333 AP
- [N] Bonuspell (Receive two extra spells when crafting) – 999 AP
- [N] Magic Action (Gain AP for using elemancy) – 24 AP
- [N] Extra Powercraft (Enhance potency by 30 when crafting spells) – 99 AP
- [N] Super Powercraft (Enhance potency by 50 when crating spells.) – 555 AP
- [N] Ultimate Powercraft (Enhance potency by 100 when crafting spells.) – 999 AP
Recovery Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Recovery Ascension is a part of Nexus that further expands curative power. Activate these nodes to improve your array of restorative options.- [N] Hang In (Increase HP recovery rate while hanging after point-warp.) – 12 AP
- [N] Sprinter (Boost stamina.) – 24 AP
- [N] Distance Runner (Further enhance stamina) – 99 AP
- Savior’s Fortitude (Boost an ally’s defense after taking them out of danger.) – 20 AP
- Savior’s Force (Boost an ally’s attack after taking them out of danger.) – 48 AP
- Comeback (Fully restore an ally’s HP after taking them out of danger.) – 99 AP
- Savior’s Vengeance (Boost an ally’s critical hit rate after taking them out of danger) – 48 AP
- [N] Rapid Regen (Raise HP and MP recover rate while in cover.) – 10 AP
- [G] First Aid (Recover a bit of HP with a first aid kit when HP is low.) – 24 AP
- [G] Advanced First Aid (Recover a little HP with a fancy first aid kit when HP is low.) – 99 AP
- [G] Expert First Aid (Recover HP with a fully-stocked first aid kit when HP is low.) – 333 AP
- [I] First Aid (Recover a bit of HP with a first aid kit when HP is low.) – 24 AP
- [I] Advanced First Aid (Recover a little HP with a fancy first aid kit when HP is low.) – 99 AP
- [I] Expert First Aid (Recover HP with a fully-stocked first aid kit when HP is low.) – 333 AP
- [P] First Aid (Recover a bit of HP with a first aid kit when HP is low.) – 24 AP
- [P] Advanced First Aid (Recover a little HP with a fancy first aid kit when HP is low) – 99 AP
- [P] Expert First Aid (Recover HP with a fully-stocked first aid kit when HP is low.) – 333 AP
Techniques Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Techniques Ascension is a part of Nexus that boosts your allies techniques. Activate these nodes to unlock new skills for your comrades to use in combat.- Starshell (Draw enemy attention across a wide area with a firearm. Weakens deamons. Depletes tech bar by one.) – 8 AP
- [P] Gravisphere (Draw enemies in an area closer together with machinery by creating a gravitational field. Depletes tech bar by two.) – 18 AP.
- [P] Trigger-Happy (Unleash a barrage at multiple enemies with a pair of firearms. Depletes tech bar by three.) – 72 AP
- [P] Limit Break (Break limit on damage from Promtpo’s techniques.) – 999 AP
- [P] Recoil (Deal heavy damage with machinery by overloading its energy output. Depletes tech bar by two.) – 18 AP
- [I] Regroup (Bring all allies together in stalwart defense. Rescues from danger and restores HP quickly. Depletes tech bar by two.) – 8 AP
- [I] Enhancement (Imbue Noctis’s weapon with the element his target is weakest to. Depletes tech bar by one.) – 18 AP
- [I] Sagefire (Unleash a devastating fire attack with daggers. Depletes tech bar by three.) – 72 AP
- [I] Limit Break (Break limit on damage from Ingis’s techniques.) – 999 AP
- [I] Overwhelm (Concentrate ally attacks on a foe with devastating Deathblow strikes. Depletes tech bar by two.) – 18 AP
- [G] Dawnhammer (Deal heavy damage to a single enemy with a powerful greatsword slash. Depletes tech bar by two.) – 8 AP
- [G] Royal Guard (Move to quickly guard Noctis with a shield. Depletes tech bar by one.) – 18 AP
- [G] Impulse (Amush enemies with a frontal, sweeping greatsword area attack. Depletes tech bar by three.) – 72 AP
- [G] Limit Break (Break limit on damage from Gladio’s techniques) – 999 AP
- [G] Cyclone (Deal damage to nearby enemies with a fearsome shield shockwave. Depletes tech bar by two.) – 18 AP
- [N] Tech Strike (Add to the tech bar when Noctis lands attacks.) – 48 AP
- [N] Tech Damage (Add to the tech bar when Noctis suffers damage.) – 99 AP
- Quick Tech (Accelerate tech bar replenishment rate.) – 333 AP
Combat Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Combat Ascension is a part of Nexus that boosts Noctis’s technique repertory. Activate these nodes for more ways to take out enemies.- [N] Airstep (Step in midair after attacking, costs MP, one time only.) – 6 AP
- [N] Airslip (Dodge enemy attacks in midair by holding the appropriate button.) – 16 AP
- [N] Airstride (Perform a second Airstep after a second midair attack.) – 52 AP
- [N] Airdance (Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times.) – 333 AP
- [N] Death Drop (From afar, use appropriate button to warp into range and strike down from above.) – 28 AP
- [N] Osmostrike (Recover MP when an aerial attack connects.) – 52 AP
- [N] Light Phase (Reduce MP cost of phasing.) – 8 AP
- [N] Experimagic (Increase Noctis’s MP by the number of levels he has gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 99 AP
- [N] Ultralight Phase (Further reduce MP cost of phasing.) – 32 AP
- [N] Blink (Phase through an enemy’s attack without using MP by pressing appropriate button at the last second.) – 16 AP
- [N] Warp Decoy (Leave a hologram to divert enemies after warping) – 48 AP
- [N] Static Edge (Significantly increase damage dealt after entering stasis.) – 64 AP
- [N] Blink Boost (Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second.) – 32 AP
- [N] Impervious (Negate damage by pressing the appropriate button immediately after being hit.) – 333 AP
- [N] Chained Fury (Boost damage dealt when unscathed during chain attacks.) – 10 AP
- [N] Stalker (Boost blindside damage.) – 28 AP
- [N] Super Stalker (Further boost blindside damage.) – 64 AP
- [N] Warp Factor (Boost warp-strike damage.) – 24 AP
- [N] Daemon Destroyer (Warp-strike to break daemon appendages) – 24 AP
- [N] Warp Factor II (Further boost warp-strike damage) – 52 AP
- [N] Point-Blank Warp-Strike (Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range.) – 333 Ap
Teamwork Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Teamwork Ascension is a part of Nexus that boosts your allies teamwork. Activate these nodes to improve the support your comrades provide in combat.- [P] First Shot (Gain first strike against a nearby enemy with a firearm. Adds to tech bar.) – 6 AP
- [P] Scintilla (Deliver a counterattack and stun enemies with a firearm.) – 18 AP
- [P] Ballistic (Swiftly unleash damage on an area with a firearm. Makes enemies flinch.) – 64 AP
- [P] Shock Drop (Electrocute an enemy with machinery when Noctis attacks it in midair.) – 24 AP
- [P] Sharp Shock (Boost Shock Drop damage) – 99 AP
- [I] Analyze (Automatically scan most enemies weaknesses at the onset of battle.) – 6 AP
- [I] Lancet (Deliver a counterattack and drain an enemy’s HP with a polearm.) – 18 AP
- [I] Regenerate (Heal an ally with a hidden HP recovery item.) – 99 AP
- [I] Venom Fang (Poison an enemy with daggers when Noctis chain attacks it.) – 24 AP
- [I] Virulent Venom (Boost Venom Fang damage.) – 64 AP
- [G] Reflex (Deliver a powerful counterattack with a greatsword. Makes enemies flinch.) – 6 AP
- [G] Engage (Gain first strike by delivering a powerful greatsword slash.) – 18 AP
- [G] Intercept (Protect Noctis from enemy attacks with a shield.) – 64 AP
- [G] Antagonize (Make an enemy flinch with a paralyzing kick while Noctis is defending.) – 24 AP
- [G] Acute Antagonism (Boost Antagonize damage.) – 99 AP
- Link Up (Boost link-strike damage.) – 8 AP
- Super Link Up (Further Boost link-strike damage) – 32 AP
- Critical Link (Always deliver a critical hit when link-striking.) – 333 AP
- Limitless Link (Break limit on link-strike damage.) – 999 AP
- [Non N] Deathblow (Deliver a devastating blow to a vulnerable enemy) – 16 AP
- [Non N] Ultimate Deathblow (Deliver an utterly devastating blow to a vulnerable enemy.) – 99 AP
Stats Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Stats Ascension is a part of Nexus that enhances basic parameters independent of behavior. Activate these nodes to boost stats and equip more accessories.- [N] Accessory Slot (Equip two accessories.) – 16 AP
- [N] Accessory Slot (Equip three accessories.) – 333 AP
- [P] Accessory Slot (Equip two accessories.) – 16 AP
- [P] Accessory Slot (Equip three accessories.) – 333 AP
- [I] Accessory Slot (Equip two accessories.) – 16 AP
- [I] Accessory Slot (Equip three accessories.) – 333 AP
- [G] Accessory Slot (Equip two accessories.) – 16 AP
- [G] Accessory Slot (Equip three accessories.) – 333 AP
- Health Level (Increase HP of each party member by twice the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 10 AP
- Strength Level (Enhance Strength of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack) – 99 AP
- Spirit Level (Enhance Spirit of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 99 AP
- Health Level II (Increase HP of each party member by five times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack) – 99 AP
- health Level III (Increase HP of each party member by ten times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 333 AP
- Vitality Level (Enhance vitality of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.) – 99 AP
Exploration Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Exploration Ascension is a part of Nexus that renders assistance outside of combat. Activate these nodes to aid you on the long road.- Happy Camping (Increase AP gained for making camp.) – 20 AP
- Happier Camping (Further increase AP gained for making camp) – 48 AP
- [G] Fitter Survival (Occasionally receive double the items from Gladio’s survival skills.) – 99 AP
- [G] Fittest Survival (Receive double the items from Gladio’s survival skills.) – 999 AP
- Roadrunning (Gain AP for long trips in the car.) – 32 AP
- Roadlife (Gain experience for long trips in the car.) – 99 AP
- Chocobump (Gain AP for long trips by chocobo.) – 32 AP
- Chocobonus (Gain experience for long trips by chocobo) – 99 AP
- [N] Chocojockey (Gain AP for winning chocobo races.) – 32 AP
- [N] Chocoracer (Gain experience for winning chocobo races.) – 99 AP
- [I] Aftertaste (Extend status boost time from meals eaten at camp.) – 18 AP
- [I] Appetize (Gain AP for cooking someone’s favorite food.) – 20 AP
- [I] Lingering Aftertaste (Further extend status boost time from means eaten at camp.) – 99 AP
- [I] Persistent Aftertaste (Greatly extend status boost time from meals eaten at camp.) – 333 AP
- [P] Snapshot (Take photos in battle. Up to five can be saved. Depletes tech bar by one.) – 12 AP
- [P] Aperture (Chance of gaining AP through Snapshot.) – 32 AP
- [N] Angler Action (Gain AP for catching a fish.) – 18 AP
- [N] Reel Experience (Gain experience for catching fish.) – 333 AP
- [N] Sportfishing (Gain more AP for reeling in a big catch.) – 99 AP
- [N] Item Angler (Double the items gained from fishing.) – 84 AP
- [N] Expert Item Angler (Triple the items gained from fishing.) – 555 AP
Royal Arms Ascension Abilities Unlocks
Royal arms are the most powerful weapons used by Noctis. This skill tree allows you to use them more efficiently. If you want to know more about them, take a look at our Armiger Locations guide. To collect all thirteen royal arms be sure to check out our Royal Tomb Locations guide.- Armiger (Conjure the royal arms. Temporarily boost stats.) – 0 AP
- Iron Armiger (Reduce Armiger bar depletion.) – 24 AP
- Armiger Action (Gain AP for conjuring Armiger.) – 48 AP
- Armiger Harvester (Boost Armiger bar gain from attacks.) – 24 AP
Wait Mode
Nexus that facilitates combat in time-stopping Wait Mode. Activate these nodes to improve your tactical performance.- [N] Warp-Ambush (During Wait Mode, warp-strike an enemy not targeting Noctis to increase the likehood of breaking its appendage.) – 18 AP
- [N] Warp-Punish (During Wait Mode, warp-strike an enemy with half or less of its HP remaining to increase damage inflicted.) – 99 AP
- Elementalist (Boost damage inflicted by a scanned enemy’s elemental weakness.) – 32 AP
- Sage (Boost damage inflicted by allies for each enemy scanned.) – 99 AP
- [N] Presto-Libra (Scan enemies even faster when using Libra.) – 12 AP
- [N] Time-Restore (Restore the Wait Timer by defeating an enemy.) – 48 AP
- [N] Time-Freeze (Stop the Wait Timer from depleting.) – 99 AP

Are the spirit, vitality and health levels in the Stats Accension balanced with your level when you unlock them? So will a level 100 who unlocks it last and a level 4 who unlocks it early have the same stats with those unlocked?
I think they are balanced with your level. You can get them early on, and they will still work after the each new level. I haven’t tested it to be 100% sure.
im not sure it said to multiply it by the number of levels gained so i havent bought anything like that till i get to the max level so i can get the max benefit…
Anyone know any different please let me know because if it adjust every time you level up would make everything alot easier..