Final Fantasy Type-0 HD impressions

Type-0 shares the same universe with Final Fantasy XIII and the upcoming FFXV. This connection of the universes is even further enhanced by the fact that type-0 HD was initially planned as a means for players to enter FFXIII universe on their portable devices and that a special demo for Final Fantasy XV (flagship product in the series) is available for anyone that pre-ordered Type-0 HD. This game also serves as a bridge in combat systems that you’ll see in XIII and XV. While FFXIII was more in line with traditional Final Fantasy series combat mechanics, Type-0 and FFXV are more action oriented and provide real time combat mechanics. In that sense, it is interesting to learn this game’s combat mechanics so we can see what awaits us in the next “big” Final Fantasy game.
Being a port from portable consoles is the defining moment for Type-0. Although visuals are greatly improved in the HD version in both cinematics and the game world it is clearly visible that this game was not initially meant to be released on the latest version of home consoles. Lack of polygon counts and texture quality, as well as level design and game mechanics clearly show this game’s origin. Combined with lengthy and sometimes confusing cinematics (at least for those of us that do not know each Final Fantasy faction, character and city) this game clearly is not for everyone. All of it screams that it is not a flagship title in the franchise, but it is definitely a Final Fantasy game, albeit a bit darker and a bit more action oriented. Fans of the franchise will still get to enjoy epic storylines and battles, while those new to the whole universe will often stay confused and wondering why is this game on their new and shiny PS4.

Original Type-0 was very successful in Japan and western fans of the series always yearned for a localized version to become available. True fans will certainly enjoy this game, with all the lackluster technical aspects and initially confusing storyline. People that like playing Final Fantasy games, but do not know name of all deities in the FF universe, are enticed to get this title, if for nothing else but to play the Final Fantasy XV demo, that is a special bonus for those that pre-ordered Type-0 HD. They might even like action packed Type-0 enough to get to the end and get their money’s worth. For the rest of us this game is just one remake in the sea of HD re-hashes of old games and we’ll probably just save our money for FF 15 that is scheduled to come out later this year.
Bellow you will find several videos that will help you get a sense of what type of game Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is. First video shows all of the game’s intro cinematic so you get a better sense of the story. It is worth watching if you want to see the longest dying scene I’ve ever seen in any game or movie so far (and some other cool Final Fantasy moments). There are two gameplay videos available that will show you the entire Chapter 1 of the game.
FF Type-0 HD Intro cinematic
FF Type-0 HD Chapter 1 Part 1 Gameplay
FF Type-0 HD Chapter 1 Part 2 Gameplay
We would like to thank Computerland games for providing us with the promo copy of the game.