Far Cry 6 Triada Relics - Triada Blessings - Oluwa Cave Location
The best stealth armor and weapon in Far Cry 6 can be acquired by doing the Oluwa Cave quest. This somewhat hidden quest consists of three treasure hunts. Completing each one will reward you with stealth-oriented items that allow you to drastically change the way you play the game. For example, one of these will allow you to shoot reveal enemies through walls, and another to shoot enemies through walls. We don’t have to specify how powerful this is, so you will no doubt want to get your hands on these. Our Far Cry 6 Triada Relics – Triada Blessings – Oluwa Cave Location guide will explain how to start this quest, where to go to complete this, as well as list out all the items you will get from it.

Far Cry 6 Oluwa Cave Location
This quest begins when you speak with an NPC in Cabeza Fuel Depot. The NPC will inform you that they have discovered a sacred site dedicated to Triada and that there is treasure in it, but that they are too scared to go there personally. This will mark the Oluwa Cave location on your map. Head there. When you enter this cave, you will discover a note that will uncover the locations of the three Oluwas: Ida, Oku, and Mimo Abosi. You will need to collect the three Triada relics. They are in Madrugada, Valle de Oro, and El Este. Each of these is a separate Treasure Hunt.
Ida’s Triada Relics Far Cry 6
Ida’s Relic is located in Madrugada. When you arrive at this location, you will see a gigantic mural on the cliffwall. Go and read the note on the pole. Right next to the pole, there is graffiti indicating that you need to scale that wall using your grapple. Climb up and keep climbing using vines until you reach the top. Enter the cave there. Inside, you will encounter a challenging puzzle involving using your grapple to move from one part of the cave to another. Follow the arrows, they will tell you where to go. At the end of this cave, you will find the Ida’s Relic. Don’t forget to loot the treasure chest next to it, you will find Ida’s Sigil there. It is a four star unique head gear that will highlight allies, soldiers, and animals at night.
Oku’s Triada Relic FC6
Oku’s Relic is in Valle De Oro. Go to that location and read the note outside this abandoned Spanish fortress. Enter it and go inside the room with all the mirrors. Smash them until you find a button. Press it and then a secret room will open down the hall. Go there and press all three buttons on the table. Go upstairs. Read the sheet music on the piano. Another secret door will open. Pick up the key there. Go downstairs and open the locked door. Walk until you reach a room in the cellar. Smash through the planks and press the button at the end of the room. Go outside. You will see wisps of purple energy beckoning you to the well. Jump down it.
Once there, follow the arrows and use your grapple to reach the ledge with the Oku’s Triada Relic. Pick it up. Before you leave, don’t forget to grapple to the other side of the cavern. There is a treasure chest there that has Oku’s Deliverance in it. This is unique leg gear that increases your damage against enemies which are below you.
Mimo Abosi Triada Relics FC6
The third and final Triada Relic Treasure Hunt is in El Este. This relic belongs to Mimo Abosi. Go to this location. Once there, shoot the generator. Go down into the pit and read the Treasure Hunt note on the door. Shoot the keypad on the door and enter. Pick up the Fan Room Keycard from the dead body on the left. Dive into the water and swim to the other side. Once there, you will learn that there are toxic fumes in this room. Open the door to the left with the keycard and turn on the button. Next, grapple down the elevator shaft. In the big cavern here, you will see the Mimo Abosi Triada Relic. Pick it up. Loot the treasure chest behind it to receive Mimo Abosi’s Mirage. This three star foot gear reduces your movement noise.
Far Cry 6 Triada Blessings – Best Stealth Weapon & Armor
All that’s left now is to return to the Oluwa Cave to deliver all three relics. Return there. Place the relics inside in the magic circle. This will open the path to another section of the cave. Go inside and loot the chest. Inside, you will find the Triador Stealth Suprimo and the La Varita Resolver. But beware, as soon as you do this, you will be attacked by Oluso. This great cat can hide in the shadows in plain sight and will constantly try to attack you seemingly out of thin air when you least expect it. However, when you do manage to defeat it, the Oluso will become one of your Amigos!
When you have the Triador Stealth Suprimo and the La Varita Resolver equipped together, this will allow you to shoot enemies through walls. And the Oluso is a very deadly stealth amigo and will take down your foes silently.
Far Cry 6 Triada Set – Best Stealth Armor
During this extended treasure hunt, you will be rewarded with the best stealth armor in the game. Combined with the Triador Stealth Suprimo, La Varita Resolver, and the Oluso stealth Amigo, you also get out of it, you will become the undisputed master of stealth in Far Cry 6. Here is what these armor pieces are called and what they do:
- Ida’s Sigil. Head gear which highlights allies, soldiers, and animals during nighttime.
- Oku’s Deliverance. This unique leg gear improves the weapon damage you inflict on enemies which are below you.
- Mimo Abosi’s Mirage. This foot gear Reduces your movement noise.
- Oluwa’s Heart. Chest gear which reduces movement noise.
- Eternal Dance. Wearing this wrist gear improves the damage of your throwing axes and knives.