Paint the Town Far Cry 6 - Gabriel Statues Locations
Paint the Town is one of the Yaran Story in Far 6 and it requires that you find and deface Gabriel Statues across several locations in Esperanza. You will need to do this mission if you want to unlock Zenia as one of your Leaders. As you know, Leaders are very important for Los Bandidos missions, so you will want to have all of them unlocked. To quote Zenia’s reasons for doing this: “My Papa’s dying wish was to deface his propaganda statues. Cover up his mistakes with the words of Libertad.” To help you find all of these statues as quickly as possible and recruit Zenia Zayas, our Paint the Town Far Cry 6 – Gabriel Statues Locations guide will tell you the exact locations of all 12 statues and what you need to do once you’ve found them.

Far Cry 6 Gabriel Statues Locations – Paint the Town
Like we mentioned, there are precisely 12 statues that you will need to vandalize. They are scattered all across Esperanza and will not appear marked on your map until you get very, very close to one. Luckily for you, you can simply look at our map where we have marked them, so that you won’t have to waste so much time wandering around looking for them. When you approach one of these, you will get the option to interact with it and deface it. There’s no need to try shooting at it, or trying to blow the statue up. Dani will then spray graffiti all over the statue.
Once you have defaced the twelfth and final statue, you will get a call from Zenia. She will thank you for doing that for for here and she will then officially be one of your Leaders. If you have any other FC6 missions you are struggling with, or items you don’t know how to get, we recommend you visit our Far Cry 6 archive.