How to Get Chest in Costa Del Mar - Far Cry 6 Libertad Crate - Serpentino Park El Ojo Cenote
Far Cry 6 is full of chests which are, for one reason or another, hard to get to, and one of these is in Costa Del Mar Serpentino Park El Ojo Cenote. This is a particularly frustrating chest for a lot of reason. You will spot it from a distance in this location, and see that this chest is sitting atop a rocky island in the middle of water. Your first instinct will be to swim up to it and simply climb up to get it, but this isn’t the right solution. Our How to Get Chest in Costa Del Mar – Far Cry 6 Libertad Crate – Serpentino Park El Ojo Cenote guide will explain what you need to do here to get to the treasure inside this chest.

How To Open the Costa Del Mar Serpentino Park El Ojo Cenote Chest
Like we said, your first impulse might be to dive into the water and see if there is anyplace on this rock that you can climb. If you try to do this, you will quickly realize that there is no way you can climb it. Diving in the water and searching for a solution there is also a no go. What you need to do instead is to turn around and go back up the beach where you came from. Climb up all the way up until you reach the very top here (you will recognize it by a blue symbol painted on a nearby rock). An overlook platform is here, allowing for a clear view to the rock with the chest down below.
What you need to do here is to jump from here and quickly open up your wingsuit. Here is our guide on how to get and use the Wingsuit. You need to time this right, and deploy the Wingsuit as soon as you jump. Otherwise, you won’t have enough altitude to reach the chest. If you have done this correctly, you will be able to glide down to the chest and loot it without any further problems.