Far Cry 6 Get the Chest Next to Workbench in Isla Santuario Quito Region Ventura Summit
In Far Cry 6, there are blue chests that you have to figure out how to get to. Solving these puzzles is very much worth it, since they have great loot inside. One of the early ones that you will encounter is next to the workbench on Isla Santurio in the Quito region Ventura Summit. The blue chests require that you follow the instructions on the trees, rocks, and things like that. But these clues can be very simple, and not provide you with sufficient information about what you need to do and where you need to go. To help you figure out how to get to this loot, our Far Cry 6 Get the Chest Next to Workbench in Isla Santuario Quito Region Ventura Summit guide will explain exactly what you need to do to get to this chest and open it.

How To Get the Blue Chest Next to Workbench in Isla Santuario FC6
You will probably first encounter this while going down a road in this region. The blue-painted clues will instruct you to check out a small dirt road. Go over (or smash through) the fence and head down this road. Continue following the clues and you will see that they are leading you to a cliffside. There is a blue-colored clue there as well, so use your Grapple and climb up. Go to the left and walk over the fallen log. Walk past the workbench. You will see a blue board instructing you to climb up it. Do so. Once you are at the top, turn around to face another fallen log. Go to the other side and you will see a blue chest there. Congratulations, you’ve made it all the way to the blue chest. All that’s left to do now is to open it and collect the loot inside.