Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition Canvas Bags in Production
Bethesda has finally decided to fulfill their end of the bargain with the Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition. They’ve started on the production of canvas duffel bags, and they’ll ship them to everyone that logs a complaint with a proof of purchase. Of course, you’ll have to wait for the bags to be ready to go. I’d say better late than never, but I don’t think that applies to this situation.

Oh, Bethesda. Why did it have to come to this? It could have been simple. None of this had to happen. If you haven’t been paying attention, Bethesda caused a stir among the gaming public with the Power Armor Edition of Fallout 76. The $200 bundle was supposed to ship with, among other chachkis, a canvas duffel bag. This did not happen. Instead, paying customers got cheap nylon bags. They complained en masse, and, as a response, Bethesda offered them $5 worth of Atoms, the in-game premium currency.
Fans where not at all amused by this. So, after days of roiling controversy, Bethesda finally relented. According to the Bethesda Support Twitter, they’ve started production on the canvas bags. They’ll arrange to send out the proper duffel bags as soon as they’re ready to go. All you have to do to get the replacement is to fill the form on Bethesda’s support website, with proof of purchase. You’re gonna want to do it fast, too. The tweet states that you have until January 31st 2019 to send in your ticket. The website might get a little clogged due to the number of people trying to do the same, so do give it a little patience.
What gets me about this is how unnecessary it all is. Bethesda has at one point stated that the reason they switched to nylon bags was lack of materials, but costs have also been floated around as a potential reason. Now that it’s all hit the fan, it wouldn’t surprise me if this ended up costing them more than if they just sent out the bags in the first place. Instead, they’ve caused a huge mess for everybody, including themselves.