Fallout 76 Lever Action Rifle Plan Location
Lever action rifle is one of the weapons in Fallout 76. It’s a rifle that uses a lever to put a bullet into the chamber, which gives it a higher rate of fire than bolt action one would have. It’s also quite powerful, and has more than decent range, which is why a lot of people are wondering how to get one for themselves. The answers is – you’ll have to craft it. But before you can do that, you’ll need to locate a set of blueprints. This guide will show you Fallout 76 lever action rifle plan location, so you can create one for yourself.

Where to find lever action rifle blueprint?
We haven’t managed to get the plan as a drop, but it’s quite possible it’s in that pool as well. The one we managed to find was at a vendor. It’ll cost you around 900 caps – a bit more if you’re not a great trader, a bit less if you have some trading perks equipped.
We bought it from the robot peddling his wares from the counter of the Grifton train station. However, knowing how the game works, any train station vendor will work. There’s a station in Lewisburg, for example, that you can also try. If the vendor doesn’t have the plan you’re looking for at first, simply switch servers. This will refresh their inventory, so if they don’t have it on the second go either, just keep switching until you find what you’re looking for.

It’s a bit tedious, but it’s the only way we know of for now. If we manage to find a rifle just lying in a container somewhere, or a crafting schematic that’s free for the taking, we’ll be sure to update the guide. If you have any useful info to share on this topic, feel free to leave a comment.
It pushes the round, not pulls. I apologize for the non-game effective comment. Gun nut here, it just bugged me.
I found one doing the quest where u build the miner power armor. It was on the floor in the room before the one with the power armor ssd’s tations.
Think the lever is level capped like the handmade rifle that shows at level 15 so lever might be 20-30
No, I have lvl 45 or 50 assassins prime lever action it’s not capped to low levels.
What he means is that the plans don’t show up until you reach a certain level, not what lvl the gun is
I found a legendary two shot lever action level 25 originally 143 damage at level 29
I actually found one in a random container, it was a pretty awesome find since i horded ammo and was running rather low on hunting rifle ammo. Its probably one of the best mid game rifles to have in my opinion
I found one doing the quests for Rose. When you reach the part where the robots start attacking you at the satellite tower, theres a high level Mr. Gutsy and he dropped one for me.
I’ve found two in event quests so far.
Do you remember which event specifically? I’ve been trying the method above for hours to no avail
I don’t, but I don’t think it matters. Both quests I got it from were not related. I think it just has a chance to drop.
If you don’t mind, could you tell me which events they were?