Home » Fallout 4 » VIM Power Armor Paint job in Far Harbor DLC | Fallout 4
There are not that many power armor related things happening in the Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4. However we did manage to discover a new paint job for your power armor.
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It is called the Vim paint job and when you paint all pieces of your T-51 power armor with it you will get bonus Strength for it. This “skin” is rather interesting looking and is in fact an advertisement for the Vim company. It is no surprise that it is found in the Vim! Pop Factory.
Red Vim Power Armor
Vim Pop Factory is located directly southwest of Far Harbor. You will have to go quite far inside the island. If you reach the south beach of the island you’ve gone too far.
As you arrive at the front entrance go left and around the factory until you reach stairs. This will take you to the back entrance into the factory. Go down some stairs and into the room to the left (bellow the big “You’ve got Vim! Quartz” wall advertisement). Inside you will find a power armor station and T-51 with already applied Vim Paint Job. To unlock the paint job for application to any of your other power armor suits you will have to interact with the computer terminal in the same room and choose the “Vim Paint Job Schematics” option to permanently add it to your inventory. Video below shows all of these steps and showcases the power armor with the paint job applied.
Vim Power Armor Refresh Green
When you exit Far Harbor, follow the road to the west, then along the coast. It will turn north shortly. Keep following it to the northern part of the island. At some point, you’ll reach a truck trailer in the middle of the road. Climb inside and you’ll find a power armor stand with a T-51 in it, painted with a Vim Refresh Green paintjob.
Here’s a video showing the location and what the armor looks like from all angles.
From my experience I collected the schematic from the terminal first, Refresh paint job wasn’t available until I equipped the set of Refresh power armor found by Dalton Farm.
Same here – Only the “Vim Ambassador Program” and “Tour Notes #8” entries are there.
I did see a youtube video which *did* show the paint job schematics as an option on the screen, though – maybe it’s a bug? I collected the power armor before checking the terminal in my game (Xbox One version) – maybe it somehow “knocked out” the option to select the paint job?
Theres also a sugar bombs paint job for the T-51
I didn’t have the power armor or the schematics!! Is there anything I can do?
You can only use these 2 paint jobs on T-51 armor.
From my experience I collected the schematic from the terminal first, Refresh paint job wasn’t available until I equipped the set of Refresh power armor found by Dalton Farm.
Schematics were not on the terminal for me either. I went back to double check just now and jope, nothing.
There’s also a set of Vim! Refresh Armor in a cargo bin halfway between Longfellow’s Cabin and Dalton Farm!
How do you get the green vim schematics though
In the Vim!Pop factory, near the red Vim power armour is a terminal with the schematics for Vim Refresh on it
The schematics wasn’t on the computer 🙁
Same here – Only the “Vim Ambassador Program” and “Tour Notes #8” entries are there.
I did see a youtube video which *did* show the paint job schematics as an option on the screen, though – maybe it’s a bug? I collected the power armor before checking the terminal in my game (Xbox One version) – maybe it somehow “knocked out” the option to select the paint job?
Is it the set inside of the truck trailer?