Fallout 4 ARCHIVE - Page 6

Fallout 4 Workbench Transfer

Crafting materials

Almost all the items you find in the wilderness can be used as crafting components in Fallout 4. Due to limited space in your inventory…

Fallout 4 Workbench Transfer

How to increase inventory space in FO4

While venturing throughout the wasteland of Boston, you’ll notice there is a lot of stuff you can pick up, carry with you and use as…

fallout 4 energy weapons bobblehead

Energy Weapons Bobblehead

Energy Weapons Bobblehead is a collectible item in Fallout 4 – a statue of a blonde man in a blue jumpsuit – that increases your…

fallout 4 repair bobblehead guide

Repair Bobblehead

Repair Bobblehead is a Fallout 4 collectible item, which increases the duration of your fusion cores. It makes these Power Armor fuel cells last 10%…

red power armor color

How to change color of Power Armor

Fallout 4 Power Armor provides great protection from all kinds of damage. This walking fortress demands considerable amount of resources and time to modify all…

fallout 4 curie companion

Curie Companion

Curie is a Mr.Handy robot and one of the companions in Fallout 4. She’s well armed and good at science, thus a great choice for…

fusion core locations fo4

Fusion Core Locations

Fusion Cores are fuel cells for Power Armor in Fallout 4. They are required for running the armor – if you’re out of juice, it…

fallout 4 cait companion

Cait Companion

Cait is a vicious pit-fighter and a potential companion in Fallout 4. She’s a great unarmed fighter, but also has a problem with chems. In…

paladin danse location

Paladin Danse Companion

Paladin Danse is one of the early companions in Fallout 4. He’s a paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, which means he’s equipped with a…

fallout 4 perk magazine locations

Perk Magazine Locations

Perk magazines are collectibles in Fallout 4. Finding and collecting them unlocks and upgrades unique perks that are otherwise inaccessible. In this guide, we’re going…

fallout 4 lock picking bobblehead

Lock Picking Bobblehead

Lock Picking Bobblehead is a collectible statue in Fallout 4, which helps you open locked doors. The description on the figure reads “Always strive for…

nick valentine fallout 4 companion

Nick Valentine Companion

Nick Valentine is a synth and NPC character you can recruit as your companion in Fallout 4. He’s a detective straight out of a noir…

fallout 4 tips

Fallout 4 Tips

Fallout 4 is filled with many secrets and stuffs that must be done. Because of this, we’ve prepared for you Fallout 4 tips & hints…

fallout 4 robco fun magazine

Robco Fun Locations

Robco Fun is a magazine in Fallout 4. Each issue contains a holodisk with a copy of a holotape game on it. In this guide,…

fallout 4 tesla science magazine

Tesla Science Locations

Tesla Science is a perk magazine in Fallout 4. It’s a skill book with several issues – each one increases your energy weapon damage by…

fallout 4 tumblers today magazine

Tumblers Today Locations

Tumblers Today is a Fallout 4 skill book. It’s a magazine with several issues, which unlocks a unique perk when you read it. Each issue…

fallout 4 deacon companion

Deacon Companion

Deacon is one of the companions in Fallout 4. He’s a spy for the Railroad faction, and as expected, is quite versed in stealth. In…


When Freedom Calls

When Freedom Calls is one of the early main quests in Fallout 4. It starts as you finish the Out of Time quest at the town of Concord. Quest is still part of the early hours in the game and helps you explore in-depth the game’s mechanics, but it takes an unexpected turn as you have to Clear Concord of Hostiles and fight a Deathclaw enemy. This guide is here to help you in defeating it. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.

fallout 4 speech bobblehead location

Speech Bobblehead

Speech Bobblehead is a Vault-boy figurine you can collect in Fallout 4. When you get it, shopkeepers will start carrying an additional 100 caps for…

maccready fallout 4 companion

MacCready Companion

Robert MacCready is a mercenary sniper in Fallout 4 that you can recruit as a companion to use throughout the game. He can be of…