Home » Fallout 4 » Best Unique & Rare Weapons in Fallout 4
Unique / Rare weapons are the strongest, most useful, and generally the best weapons in Fallout 4. They grant the player special bonuses, like making the target stagger more often, or irradiating/poisoning them.
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You can get them by killing unique enemies (and looting their bodies), or by finishing quests. This guide will show you the best unique and rare weapons in Fallout 4, where to find them and what they do.
Splattercannon, Acid Soaker, Nuka-Nuke Launcher – Nuka World DLC
The latest Fallout 4 DLC titled Nuka World introduces new legendary weapons. Some of them tie into the amusement park theme, while others are simply bad-ass additions to your arsenal. Splattercannon is an automatic rifle that increases damage after each consecutive hit on the same target, Acid Soaker is a gun that inflicts ongoing acid damage and temporarily reduces damage resistance, Nuka-Nuke Launcher is a warhead launcher. You can check out our guide New Nuka World Unique Weapons, and find out how to get them.
Two Shot Lever Action Rifle – Far Harbor DLC
Type: Rifle
Bonus: Shoots an additional projectile
Location: This weapon is added with the latest Far Harbor dlc. We got the Two Shot Lever Action Rifle from a Legendary Mirelurk Queen. This happened during the Rite of Passage quest, where you go hunting for mirelurks.
The Striker – Far Harbor DLC
Type: Bowling Ball Launcher
Bonus: 50% chance to cripple the target’s leg.
Location: This weapon is added with the latest Far Harbor dlc. You’ll find the Striker in a bowling alley called Beaver Creek Lanes. It is located a bit south-west of Far Harbor. Check out our detailed guide for the Striker.
December’s Child – Far Harbor DLC
Type: Rifle
Bonus: 25% faster fire rate and 15% faster reload.
Location: New weapon in Far Harbor dlc. You can get it during the quest Best left forgotten. In the Vim! Pop Factory you’ll come across a terminal that will not let you go into the room before you pass speak check test. Check out our detailed guide for December’s Child.
Atom’s Judgement – Far Harbor DLC
Type: Atom’s Judgement is a radioactive super-sledge, that does both physical and radiation damage. Apart from doing an expected amount of physical damage, it also inflicts radiation poisoning on targets.
Bonus: +100 Radiation Damage
Location: New weapon in Far Harbor dlc. You can get it from Richter in the Nucleus near the submarine’s top, during the quest The Heretic (Children of Atom faction quest).
Salvaged Assaultron Head
Type: Energy Pistol Bonus: Charged by reloading repeatedly. The more charges, the higher the damage. Irradiates user. Location: This weapon was introduced in the Automatron add-on. You’ll find it in Fort Hagen Satellite Array, all the way to the east. When you go down the long, winding stairs, go through the door on your left. The head is in the cage on the right, in a chest. You’ll need to finish the Headhunters quest first (if you’re currently doing the quest, the chest is at the end of the exit route, right before the stairs).
Tesla Rifle
Type: Energy Rifle Bonus: Fires an electrical discharge that arcs between targets Location: This rifle was added in the Automatron DLC. It can be found in Fort Hagen Satellite Array, during the Headhunters quest. After you take Jezebel’s brain and try to leave the facility, you’ll encounter a boss called Ivey. Defeat her and you’ll get to loot the rifle from her corpse.
Deathclaw Gauntlet
Type: Claw/Gauntlet Bonus: None Location: You’ll have to start a quest called The Devil’s Due to get this weapon. Go to the Museum of Witchcraft in the north-east. Enter through the basement, then climb up and go to the bathroom next to the main entrance. Pick up the Pristine Deathclaw Egg. You’ll have to fight or evade an Albino Deathclaw. Then go to the nest marked on the map (up north). The weapon is next to it. Note: You can take the weapon, then deliver the egg to Diamond City, but the weapon won’t spawn until you’ve picked up the egg/quest.
Railway Rifle
Type: Railway spike launcher Bonus: Uses railway spikes as ammo, pins enemies to the wall Location: You’ll find this in a secret bomb shelter in Big John’s Salvage, south-east of Diamond City. There’s a generator you need to start next to the building with the Red Rocket logo. Then, go to the overturned blue wagon closest to the house. Go through the trapdoor inside, and you’ll find the secret vault with the weapon.
Eddie’s Peace
Type: Revolver Bonus: Does +50% limb damage Location: You can snatch it during Valentine’s quest – Long Time Coming. It’s used by Eddie Winter, who you’ll get to fight at the end of the quest, in his hideout at Andrew Station. Just don’t forget to loot his body.
Pickman’s Blade
Type: Knife Bonus: Causes target to bleed for 25 additional damage. Location: In Pickman’s Safe. Go to Pickman Gallery, a bit south of Bunker Hill. Descend into the basement and go through the catacombs until you reach a man in a suit fighting some Raiders. Kill them, and he’ll give you a key as a reward. Go back into the gallery and look for the knife in the safe behind one of the pictures on ground floor.
Old Faithful
Type: Energy pistol Bonus: Does double damage if the target is at full health Location: You can buy this weapon from Arturo, the weapon dealer in Diamond City Market. He’s the one with the yellow stall in the outer circle.
Righteous Authority
Type: Energy rifle Bonus: Critical shots do double damage, critical meter fills 15% faster Location: You’ll get it as a quest reward for doing Call to Arms. That’s the first quest you can do for the Brotherhood of Steel. Talk to Palading Danse in the Cambridge Police Station to start it.
Junk Jet
Type: Junk launcher Bonus: Uses junk items as ammo, shots can be charged for more damage Location: The Junk Jet can be found in the basement of ArcJet Systems, in the part of it that’s first accessible during the Call to Arms quest. It’s on a table in the engine control room (the one before the one with the generators), next to the broken concrete wall.
Type: Shotgun Bonus: Chance to stagger on hit Location: This one can be bought from Penny Fitzgerald in Covenant. You’ll have to take a psychological test at the gate to enter, but it seems there’s no wrong answers.
Big Boy
Type: Missile launcher Bonus: Fires two Mini-Nukes at once Location: You can buy the Big Boy at the Diamond City Market, from Arturo.
Kellog’s Pistol
Type: Revolver Bonus: Critical hits refill AP Location: You can only get it during the Reunions main quest. It’s in Fort Hagen, equipped by Kellog. After you defeat him, loot his body to get the pistol.
Spray N’Pray
Type: Machine gun Bonus: Bullets explode on impact, for 15 points of damage Location: This modified Tommy gun can be bought from Cricket, the vendor sitting in a chair in front of Vault 81.
Survivor’s Special
Type: Laser gun Bonus: Does more damage when health is low Location: Paladin Brandis uses this gun – you can either steal it or kill him and loot it while he’s at Recon Bunker Theta. You’ll need access codes and for him to be there (he leaves after you finish the Lost Patrol quest).
Wastelander’s Friend
Type: Pistol Bonus: +50% limb damage, has scope Location: You can buy this pistol from Deb, the merchant at Bunker Hill. She’s in the hall behind the monument.
Le Fusil Terribles
Type: Shotgun Bonus: +25% damage, +25% limb damage, more recoil Location: This shotgun can be found on the Libertalia, the overturned ship in the east. Use the elevator to board it, then go to the top and into the captain’s cabin. The weapon will be right in front of you as you enter.
Good Intentions
Type: Laser Rifle Bonus: Critical hits cause target to frenzy Location: Go to Quincy Ruins, in the far south-east of the map. Climb on top of the elevated freeway, and look for a shack. There should be a named enemy called Clint, in a suit of power armor. When you kill him, he’ll drop the rifle.
Experiment 18-A
Type: Plasma Rifle Bonus: +25% fire rate, +15% reload speed Location: This one can be bought from the merchant in the Institute. It’s quite expensive, but also very effective against synths.
Type: Cannon Bonus: None Location: You’ll get this cannonball launcher as a reward for doing a relatively long chain of quests to help the robotic crew of the USS Constitution. It uses actual cannonballs as ammo, and we haven’t seen many of those around, but it does great damage.
Type: Pistol Bonus: Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost. Location: You will get this pistol during the quest Tradecraft (main quest chain). At the very end of the quest Deacon will whisper to you – Dead guy on the floor. Loot the guy and you’ll get the unique weapon Deliverer.
Short Syringen Rifle
Type: Rifle Bonus: None Location: Go to Vault 81, northwest of Diamond City. You’ll have to complete several quests first. After finishing “Hole in the Wall” quest, doctor Forsythe will reward you with this weapon.
AX90 Fury
Type: Gun Bonus: 50% more damage vs. Super Mutants. Location: Sold by Teagan, who shows up after completing the main quest Reunions.
Type: Mini Gun Bonus: Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage. Location: In Goodneighbor start the side quest The Big Dig. At the very end of the quest if you decide to betray and kill Bobbi, talk to Fahrenheit and she will give you the gun.
Tinker Tom Special
Type: Rifle Price: 1649 Bonus: If you are not yet in combat, increases VATS accuracy but costs more AP. Location: In the Railroad HQ, near Old North Church, northeast from Diamond City. You can buy it from Tinker Tom.
General Chaos’s Revenge
Type: Sword Bonus: Does 50% more damage against robots. Price: 2100 Location: Just south of Concord, you’ll find Drumlin Diner. If you help Trudy and her son and kill the bandits, she will open up her shop for you.
The Gainer
Type: Revolver Bonus: Sets targets on fire for 15 points of damage Location: The Gainer is in a pump station a bit east from Finch Farm. Go into the building, and follow the corridors until you’ve found a mechanism with four buttons. You should set the numbers above them to 10, 4, 5, 1, by pressing each button a number of times. This will unlock the door to the dead body and the revolver next to it.
Virgil’s Rifle
Type: Rifle Bonus: +50% damage against super mutants Location: You can only get this weapon during or after The Glowing Sea quest. Go to the Rocky Cave, south-west of Atom Crater – it looks like it’s outside the edge of the map. It’s a dangerous place, with lots of radiation and a Deathclaw in front of the entrance. Virgil lives in that cave, and you can either steal the rifle from him or kill him and loot it. It works in both his super-mutant and human form.
Type: Rifle Bonus: Freezes enemies Location: The Cryolator is in a case with a Master Lock in Vault 111. There’s a glitch that lets you have it without picking the lock, though. Take Dogmeat with you, and when you’re in front of the case, tell him to fetch an item (talk->fetch->items), and he’ll pull it out of the case as if it were lying on the floor.
Type: Rifle Bonus: +50% damage against Mirelurks and bugs, night vision scope Location: Go to the Rook Family House, on the peninsula in the far north-east. Kill the Mirelurks in the street, then talk to the man on the roof. He’ll ask you to fix some turrets around town, and when you do, he’ll reward you with the REBA II. Don’t think about killing or robbing him – the gun will disappear if you do.
Prototype UP77 “Limitless Potential”
Type: Laser Gun Bonus: Unlimited ammo capacity (never has to be reloaded) Location: You’ll find this laser pistol near University Point, on the coast south-east of Diamond City. Go into the bank using the side entrance, then go through the door on the right. Descend into the basement, and go into the bank vault. Open the safe with the Master Lock on it, and press the red button. A secret chamber will open up, and you’ll find the weapon on the table inside.
Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun
Type: Gun Bonus: Severe enemy knockback. Location: Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun can be obtained only if you decide to kill Lorenzo in Parsons State Insane Asylum, during the Secret of Cabot House quest. It does physical & radiation damage, and sends enemies flying. It requires Gamma Rounds, which are very rare, so use it sparsely.
Zeta Gun
Type: Gun Bonus: None Location: You can get the Zeta Gun while doing the quest The Secret of Cabot House. When you get to the point of choosing whether to kill Lorenzo or not, set him free. After you’ve killed Jack Cabot, loot his body to find this radiation gun. It’s a consolation prize, compared to the one above.
Type: Missile Launcher Bonus: Does 50% more damage against humans. Location: It can be purchase for 15000 in Gun Gun Gun shop in the Goodneighbor area southwest of Boston Airport and south of Bunker Hill.
Big Jim
Type: Pipe Wrench Bonus: 20% chance of crippling the target’s leg. Location: Head to Walden Pond, just southwest of Museum of Freedom, south from Concord. Go into the sewer through a drainage pipe. Just follow the tunnel until you reach the room where you should kill Walter and Whiplash. Take the Big Jim from the table with the lunch red box on it.
Type: Sword Bonus: Does additional +13 Energy damage. Location: Your character should be at least level 20 when you decide to collect this flaming katana. It can be found in Saugus Ironworks, inside the Saugus Blast Furnace, northeast from Diamond City. You have to defeat named boss Slag in Power armor (video guide where to find Slag). It’s a long and hard fight. Once you defeat Slag, talk to Jake Finch and start the quest Out of the fire. The quest will send you to Abraham Finch, where you’ll get additional XP and Shishkebab.
Grognak’s Axe
Type: Axe Bonus: Hit cause more stagger, and targets take bleed damage. Location: Just north-east of Diamond City look for a Hubris Comics building. When you enter the building look to your left, and you’ll see Grognak’s Axe in a locked glass box. You must have the advanced lockpicking skill in order to obtain Grognak’s Axe.
Furious Power Fist Weapon
Type: Melee Weapon Bonus: Hit cause more stagger, and targets take bleed damage. Location: In order to get this Melee weapon you have to defeat a huge boss Swan. Head to the Swan’s Pond, it’s to the right of Diamond City. You’ll find him next to the pond. The whole area has a lot of radioactivity. Since the boss is quite strong use Nuka Grenade and Molotov Cocktails to defeat him faster, or drop down mines and lure him into them.
Gamma Gun
Type: Gun Bonus: None Location: You can get Gamma Gun on the bottom left corner of the map in Decayed Reactor Site. You’ll need Power Armor, or a Hazmat Suit in this area. You can get Hazmat Suit in the “Hugo Hole” place, on the right side of the map. Inside the crashed dome look for a corpse and loot it. There is a strong mob inside, lure it out before you loot the bead body.
Alien Blaster Pistol
Type: Pistol Bonus: None Location: It can be found near Oberland Station, during event Alien Crash Site. This event occurs if you are lvl 14+. Look for a little alien in a nearby cave. Check out screenshot guide for Alien Blaster Pistol.
Overseer’s Guardian
Type: Rifle Bonus: Shots an additional projectile Price: 3138 Location: It can be bought in Vault 81 (just left of Diamond City). In order to enter this vault you must have 3 Fusion Cores, so bring them with you. When you enter the vault choose the right path that leads to elevator. From the elevator go right and you will find Alexis Combes in Depo.
Kremvh’s Tooth
Type: Knife Bonus: Targets bleed and are poisoned. Exceptional damage. Location: This weapon can be found in Dunwich Borers, on the right side of the map, near Hugo’s Hole. This is a high level area, with numerous mobs, thus be careful. It’s pretty tricky to describe the exact location of the weapon because it’s hidden in an underground pond, and the whole area is radioactive, thus, you have to act fast. We suggest you to watch Kremvh’s Tooth video guide first.
Shem Drowne Sword
Type: Sword Bonus: Targets take radiation damage. Location: In Diamond City look for Valentine Detective agency. Take the files from the office, that will trigger the quest The Gilded Grasshopper. It’s a long quest, but at the end it takes you to the graveyard where you have to dig up a grave.
sometimes it falls off the freeway…,make sure you lure him to a flat zone where the weapon cant dissapear. had it not appear twice till once i saw it drop away and like glitch out of existence or something.
I couldn’t find good intentions any where I killed the dude and spent literally an hour trying to find 3 time (cuz if quick save before hand) why is this?
You forgot the ‘Wazer Wifle’ it’s a Never-Ending laser rifle you get from Shaun, if you keep bringing him junk (also Sturges can give you an unmoddable automatic laser musket)
U can get a 60k damage fat man to get all perks u have to be level 50 it’s the big boy u will need max rank Demi expert and heavy gunner with max rank ninja withe sneak attack and psycho and max rank bloody mess it does around 30 to 50k damage which is insane
Trust me, that gun sucks. You there’s hardly any attachments for it, and it looks puny compared to the 10 mm, I swapped it right back the second I tried shooting with it. Don’t worry too much about it.
Theres is another unique weapon, altough it has no bonus. General Zao’s Sword is a uniquely named Chinese Officer Sword you get by completing the ‘Here They Be Monsters’ quest and asking for more money to the red point. You get the quest by talking to the kid behind Shamrock Taphouse.
i got some special galtling laser while attacking the prydwin for the railroad, i fought my way through the whole thing killing everyone in the main area
when i returned to the command deck elder maxon was waiting for me with a knight and a scribe by his side.
i shot them all (looted maxon’s jacket because fuck yea), among the bodies was a special gatling laser wich had 25% extra damage
i can’t remember how it was called tho, it was one word 😛
an upgraded overseers guardian has .308 ammo, that and the fact that is does over 220 damage per shot (with rifleman perk) makes it an extremely OP weapon. even on long range engagements
Submachine guns-including the spray and pray- are horrible. A fully upgraded sub machine gun and a fully upgraded pipe rifle do the same damage. Also, .38 is much easier to fing and buy then .45. Also the submachine gun weighs and costs a lot more.
Ordinarily, you’re right about submachine guns. However, you’re wrong about Spray-and-Pray and it all comes down to the simple fact S&P has the explosive modifier.
15 points of explosive damage doesn’t seem like much, until you realize that the aoe effect of the damage means that a target is receiving 15 points of damage to every limb per bullet (on a human enemy that’s 6×15=90 damage per bullet, not counting the weapon’s standard damage) without needing to actually hit the target directly (shooting the ground at their feet is quite effective). This modifier is also affected by the Demolition expert perk, doubling it’s damage dealt (up to 180 damage per bullet against a human target). And you can add the 15% damage boost from the Explosives Bobblehead as well.
It’s why S&P is considered one of the most OP guns in Fallout 4. The only way a pipe rifle is better than S&P is if you get lucky and roll one of those with the explosive modifier. Although even that (and S&P) pale in comparison to an explosive shotgun or minigun…
I have a combat shotgun that’s rounds explode on impact for plus 15 damage and the Instigating Rifle that does double damage on the first shot. The rifle does about 140-160 damage first shot with my mods, but the shotgun does about 200 plus shoots like a rifle with mods. I can kill Deathclaws at level 35 in 3 shots.
Yea, getting a combat shotgun with exploding rounds is one of the baddest guns in the game. It annihilates enemies. As you said death-claws in 3 shots, even Legendary ones don’t stand a Chance. Then upgrade the one you find it on with components from other combat shotguns and it just gets badder and badder. Thing ain’t fair. I got a character up to about level 40 pretty quick. Upping the difficulty some , but not to survivalist, still was easy. Actually put the gun away because it made the game too easy.
Kremvh’s Tooth is actually a machete. You can take off the Sacrificial mod and it turns into a regular machete. It’s a mod, so you could get a legendary machete and put the mod on it. It’s a one time mod, so if you lose your machete, you lose the Sacrificial mod.
I found the short syringe rifle in a small shop (it has carrots melons and corn on tables on the outside of it) and theres a novice door that needs to be picked in the back and inside a found the rifle on a shelf
Deathclaw Gauntlet isn’t unique; I’ve found three of the darn things.
Also, Swan isn’t next to the pond, he’s IN the pond. Just don’t do what I did and aggro him with a mini nuke, it won’t do any damage of he’s not out of the water.
They’ve also fixed the bug to get the cryolator. It doesn’t work anymore.
Do anyone have a problem with the Big John’s Salvage shelter? It’s my second time there, and the generator is still going, but I can’t open the shelter hatch.. And it’s not possible to turn the generator off and then on again..
When you start the mission to turn on the turrets in return for Reba 2, kill some time looting and the man usually unlocks his workshop. Simply walk in and Reba 2 is on the table. This makes the rest of the mission much easier
You forgot the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. This can be found in the display on the right side of the treasures exhibit in the Jamaica Plain town hall basement. Its unique feature is it has a small chance of sending the target flying (complete with hilarious sound effect). Modify it with saw blades and you probably have the most fun melee weapon in the game, there is nothing more hilarious than sending a deathclaw or behemoth flying.
You can also get a Sort Syringe Gun in the basement of the Greater Mass Blood Clinic with even having to do a quest but you will have to fight several Bloatflies, Bloodbugs, and eventually the Legendary Bloodbug to retrieve your prize but there is a bonus room with tons of blood bags so it is all worth the trouble in the end. Note: Be wary when approaching the building because someone has decides to litter the grounds with the unholy frag mind. Also if you follow the road going south you will find a set of three large buildings that contain a suit of power armor but be warned, Bloatflies will try to keep you from what is yours so you must act with extreme prejudice toward your enemy.
I killed Clint very early on the game and didn’t get Good Intentions. I went back toe Quincy Ruins and it’s all legendary gunners and didn’t drop the weapons. Also I couldn’t get Virgil’s Rifle. It’s not located on him either.
There is also one assault rifle called “Un-Ending Assault Rifle” or something like that, it has an unlimited ammo capacity which was really useful for me, found in vault 95, filled with Gunners
I have looked all over the interwebs to see if any site has had the Never Ending Shotgun on their list. So far, I have seen none. If you do a quest for the man selling the baseball bats in Diamond City, you’ll encounter a legendary feral ghoul. Kill this bad boy, and you have a double barrel shotgun that never needs a reload. On top of that, if you mod it out to the max you’re looking at 125+ damage per-shot.
That’s because it’s a generic legendary weapon drop from a legendary enemy. Any weapon dropped by these guys can have the Never Ending prefix and the associated ability.
You get the big boy way easier than that man. Sorry but buying it is really out of the question. I’ll do a write up and send you it but it’s free in robotics disposal ground.
The railway rifle spawns at a very easy spot at bedford station, in a blue carriage attached to the engine, a very short distance south of the small tower there. I don’t know why everyone posts the locations as big john’s salvage and a quest line, there are a half dozen low level ghouls here, which you can completely avoid. It’s propped next to a sleeping bag and skeleton, there’s usually one or two spikes for it there as well. I’ve found it there twice, I can only assume it is a fairly common spawn, not sure if level effects it.
My top weapon picks for different situations, mostly pre 30 level in rifleman’s perspective. For me. the following rare modifiers made survival difficulty the only viable one to play with.
All-rounder: Overseer’s Guardian (or any ‘Two Shot’ that you prefer), an easy-to-get weapon. Common bullets. Reflex dot sight – success guaranteed.
Close-quarters / some narrow corridor fights / run-and-gunning melee armies: ‘Wounding’ (Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage) combat shotgun causes an instant Class IV Hemorrhage.
Loooong range: scoped ‘Instigating’ (double dmg to full HP targets) any laser/ballistic/gauss/plasma rifle with preferred mods.
Gamma gun isn’t a unique, nor is the Syringer Rifle (which you have typoed as Syringen Rifle). They are both standard weapons purchasable from vendors throughout the commonwealth.
If you need cannonball ammo for the broadsider, there is plenty of cannon balls just laying around in the armory at “The Castle” which is just east of diamond city on an island. You must complete the Minute Men mission leading up to that place first though.
You can get the Zeta Gun for free without killing anyone!
Actually, it’s sitting on the middle desk in Jack’s lab upstairs from the beginning, but it’s red (stealing). You can try to steal it when no one is looking, but there is a better way: progress the quest, and when Jack tells you to meet him outside to go to the Asylum, everything in the house turns green, so you can just grab the Zeta Gun from the table without it being stealing. (At this point all the locked doors open up too, so make sure to properly ransack the house before heading out, there is a ton of useful stuff around, especially upstairs. Make sure to grab Lorenzo’s journal, it’s sitting on the table in one of the rooms, it’s a good read!)
There’s actually a way easier way to get the Gamma Gun, and it can be obtained a lot sooner than this! Whenever you travel to Skylanes Flight 1981 (The crashed airplane) there will typically be two factions fighting it out at the location. Quicksave before fast travelling to the location once you’ve discovered it, and you’ll often see Children of Atom dueling it out with some other group (Gunners, bandits, super mutants, etc.). The Children of Atom utilize the Gamma Gun! Kill these NPCs and you’ll be able to loot their weapon quite early on.
Gamma Gun isn’t unique weapon sadly. I’ve found 2 of those on Childs of Atom near the race track place. However, as they both were using the Gamma Gun, it was pretty hard to defeat them, so going to the Decayed Reactor is probbably the easiest way.
Hazmat suits make you all but immune to the Children of Atom. It’s almost adorable watching them try to hurt you, but you do have to watch out for their regular weapons and grenades.
You didn’t list General Chao’s revenge, the sword you can buy from starlight diner or somewhere near there. It’s a Chinese officers sword that does critical damage to robots.
Just by the way on how to obtain the zeta gun you state they only way is to let Lorenzo free, I’m not sure if this is a glitch but before that mission when he told me to find his sister it’s sitting on his desk, but I did not grab it then. After I defeated Lorenzo I went back to the house for the artifact gun ( didn’t realize it wanted me to return to the asylum) and it was still laying there so I took it and was not considered stealing.
nothing odd about it, most places will re-spawn enemies and loot after a few days i think places that say “cleared” are 30 in game days and all enemies and new loot will be there so you can farm them for exp ect to keep the game going once completed
I also am a bit dissapointed as you left out the most POWERFUL weapon in the game” The Last Miniute” It is a variation of the gauss rifle and does 230 damage when fully charged
The last minute is no where near the best weapon in the game. The two shot guass rifle does over 900 damage with the right perks not to mention it shoots an additional projectile meaning it could potentially do 1800 plus damage.
my Last Minute does 551 dam for one shot. I am trying to find the two shot gauss rifle, cause then i will do 1102 dam pershot. also i can do citicals of about 1377 dam, give or take a bit, so i dont know why its not on this list, if it something to do with ammo avalibility, then think again i have over 1000 rounds for my Last Minute
hi. i think i have 1 of the best guns. vats enhanced overcharged laser pistol with improved vats hit chance, 25% less ap cost. range 395 (yep 395) dmg 180 fr 50 ac 105. i can kill things in vats that i can’t even see. i have played alot of fallout 4 and this pistol beats all.
The zeta gun info is slightly incorrect. You can get both it and Lorenzos artifact pretty easily. Choose to kill Lorenzo and all doors unlock in Cabot house, and all objects become free (not stolen). The zeta gun is just lying there on a table. Cabot still gives you the artifact after a week of waiting.
Most powerful gun i ever had was a random drop off a legendary. A combat shotgun with explosive damage.
that’s the one ,
For the Big-Boy to be really good, you need to add the Experimental MIRV attachment.
sometimes it falls off the freeway…,make sure you lure him to a flat zone where the weapon cant dissapear. had it not appear twice till once i saw it drop away and like glitch out of existence or something.
I couldn’t find good intentions any where I killed the dude and spent literally an hour trying to find 3 time (cuz if quick save before hand) why is this?
where can i find an additional shot mini gun in fallout 4?
You can randomly find them on legendary enemies.
You forgot the ‘Wazer Wifle’ it’s a Never-Ending laser rifle you get from Shaun, if you keep bringing him junk (also Sturges can give you an unmoddable automatic laser musket)
I got this cool Gauss rifle from a legendary raider. My best sniper weapon. I renamed it.
U can get a 60k damage fat man to get all perks u have to be level 50 it’s the big boy u will need max rank Demi expert and heavy gunner with max rank ninja withe sneak attack and psycho and max rank bloody mess it does around 30 to 50k damage which is insane
Crap I forgot rank 3 concentrated fire
I’m upset that you would think of Wolfgang and his bodyguard as bandits. He’s a legitimate merchant, but happens to have questionable business ethics.
It’s possible to buy the sword from Trudy even if you don’t murder them.
Technically the Furious Powerfist is not Unique
I can’t find deliver cause I killed the people in railroad
Trust me, that gun sucks. You there’s hardly any attachments for it, and it looks puny compared to the 10 mm, I swapped it right back the second I tried shooting with it. Don’t worry too much about it.
The deliverer is actully one of the best stealth weapons in the game
Who cares if it looks dumb it’s stronger than the regular 10mm pistol.
Kremvh’s tooth FTW
Theres is another unique weapon, altough it has no bonus. General Zao’s Sword is a uniquely named Chinese Officer Sword you get by completing the ‘Here They Be Monsters’ quest and asking for more money to the red point. You get the quest by talking to the kid behind Shamrock Taphouse.
this guide is very helpful and when will the other weapon guides come in
i got some special galtling laser while attacking the prydwin for the railroad, i fought my way through the whole thing killing everyone in the main area
when i returned to the command deck elder maxon was waiting for me with a knight and a scribe by his side.
i shot them all (looted maxon’s jacket because fuck yea), among the bodies was a special gatling laser wich had 25% extra damage
i can’t remember how it was called tho, it was one word 😛
Actually, the overseer’s guardian is useless since it shares the same ammo with a better gun, the spray n pray.
an upgraded overseers guardian has .308 ammo, that and the fact that is does over 220 damage per shot (with rifleman perk) makes it an extremely OP weapon. even on long range engagements
Submachine guns-including the spray and pray- are horrible. A fully upgraded sub machine gun and a fully upgraded pipe rifle do the same damage. Also, .38 is much easier to fing and buy then .45. Also the submachine gun weighs and costs a lot more.
Ordinarily, you’re right about submachine guns. However, you’re wrong about Spray-and-Pray and it all comes down to the simple fact S&P has the explosive modifier.
15 points of explosive damage doesn’t seem like much, until you realize that the aoe effect of the damage means that a target is receiving 15 points of damage to every limb per bullet (on a human enemy that’s 6×15=90 damage per bullet, not counting the weapon’s standard damage) without needing to actually hit the target directly (shooting the ground at their feet is quite effective). This modifier is also affected by the Demolition expert perk, doubling it’s damage dealt (up to 180 damage per bullet against a human target). And you can add the 15% damage boost from the Explosives Bobblehead as well.
It’s why S&P is considered one of the most OP guns in Fallout 4. The only way a pipe rifle is better than S&P is if you get lucky and roll one of those with the explosive modifier. Although even that (and S&P) pale in comparison to an explosive shotgun or minigun…
I have a combat shotgun that’s rounds explode on impact for plus 15 damage and the Instigating Rifle that does double damage on the first shot. The rifle does about 140-160 damage first shot with my mods, but the shotgun does about 200 plus shoots like a rifle with mods. I can kill Deathclaws at level 35 in 3 shots.
Yea, getting a combat shotgun with exploding rounds is one of the baddest guns in the game. It annihilates enemies. As you said death-claws in 3 shots, even Legendary ones don’t stand a Chance. Then upgrade the one you find it on with components from other combat shotguns and it just gets badder and badder. Thing ain’t fair. I got a character up to about level 40 pretty quick. Upping the difficulty some , but not to survivalist, still was easy. Actually put the gun away because it made the game too easy.
Kremvh’s Tooth is actually a machete. You can take off the Sacrificial mod and it turns into a regular machete. It’s a mod, so you could get a legendary machete and put the mod on it. It’s a one time mod, so if you lose your machete, you lose the Sacrificial mod.
Sick guide. There are a few on here I never found like Gronak’s Ax. That will be a cool one to mod out. Thank you for the tips.
Lol you cant mod grognacks axe. What you see is what you get.
I found the short syringe rifle in a small shop (it has carrots melons and corn on tables on the outside of it) and theres a novice door that needs to be picked in the back and inside a found the rifle on a shelf
Deathclaw Gauntlet isn’t unique; I’ve found three of the darn things.
Also, Swan isn’t next to the pond, he’s IN the pond. Just don’t do what I did and aggro him with a mini nuke, it won’t do any damage of he’s not out of the water.
They’ve also fixed the bug to get the cryolator. It doesn’t work anymore.
The glitch for the cryolator worked for me on xbox, he even got the ammo for it.
I accidentallydropped the iverseers guardin is there any otherr place to get it or a way to fiND it?
I found some cannonballs in the castles armory. And anywhere I saw an actual cannon (like museums)
Do anyone have a problem with the Big John’s Salvage shelter? It’s my second time there, and the generator is still going, but I can’t open the shelter hatch.. And it’s not possible to turn the generator off and then on again..
Follow power lines from generator to switch which powers basement shelter door
When you start the mission to turn on the turrets in return for Reba 2, kill some time looting and the man usually unlocks his workshop. Simply walk in and Reba 2 is on the table. This makes the rest of the mission much easier
for me he walked in and unlocked the before I did his quests
You forgot the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. This can be found in the display on the right side of the treasures exhibit in the Jamaica Plain town hall basement. Its unique feature is it has a small chance of sending the target flying (complete with hilarious sound effect). Modify it with saw blades and you probably have the most fun melee weapon in the game, there is nothing more hilarious than sending a deathclaw or behemoth flying.
If anyone needs cannon balls, there are a lot of them at the castle which you retake for the minute men
You can also get a Sort Syringe Gun in the basement of the Greater Mass Blood Clinic with even having to do a quest but you will have to fight several Bloatflies, Bloodbugs, and eventually the Legendary Bloodbug to retrieve your prize but there is a bonus room with tons of blood bags so it is all worth the trouble in the end. Note: Be wary when approaching the building because someone has decides to litter the grounds with the unholy frag mind. Also if you follow the road going south you will find a set of three large buildings that contain a suit of power armor but be warned, Bloatflies will try to keep you from what is yours so you must act with extreme prejudice toward your enemy.
I killed Clint very early on the game and didn’t get Good Intentions. I went back toe Quincy Ruins and it’s all legendary gunners and didn’t drop the weapons. Also I couldn’t get Virgil’s Rifle. It’s not located on him either.
You can get the reba II by killing the guy. You can also loot his body for the original reba aswel.
There is also one assault rifle called “Un-Ending Assault Rifle” or something like that, it has an unlimited ammo capacity which was really useful for me, found in vault 95, filled with Gunners
I have looked all over the interwebs to see if any site has had the Never Ending Shotgun on their list. So far, I have seen none. If you do a quest for the man selling the baseball bats in Diamond City, you’ll encounter a legendary feral ghoul. Kill this bad boy, and you have a double barrel shotgun that never needs a reload. On top of that, if you mod it out to the max you’re looking at 125+ damage per-shot.
That’s because it’s a generic legendary weapon drop from a legendary enemy. Any weapon dropped by these guys can have the Never Ending prefix and the associated ability.
You get the big boy way easier than that man. Sorry but buying it is really out of the question. I’ll do a write up and send you it but it’s free in robotics disposal ground.
Thats the fat man. the big boy shoots 2 mini nukes, the fat man shoots 1
and then you put the MER-V mod on and it shoot 12 for the price of one, but is extremely inefficient
The railway rifle spawns at a very easy spot at bedford station, in a blue carriage attached to the engine, a very short distance south of the small tower there. I don’t know why everyone posts the locations as big john’s salvage and a quest line, there are a half dozen low level ghouls here, which you can completely avoid. It’s propped next to a sleeping bag and skeleton, there’s usually one or two spikes for it there as well. I’ve found it there twice, I can only assume it is a fairly common spawn, not sure if level effects it.
I take it these weapons don’t always spawn with the same mods on them because my limitless potential spawned as a rifle not a pistol
The railroad spike one doesn’t word
does it powerpoint tho?
My top weapon picks for different situations, mostly pre 30 level in rifleman’s perspective. For me. the following rare modifiers made survival difficulty the only viable one to play with.
All-rounder: Overseer’s Guardian (or any ‘Two Shot’ that you prefer), an easy-to-get weapon. Common bullets. Reflex dot sight – success guaranteed.
Close-quarters / some narrow corridor fights / run-and-gunning melee armies: ‘Wounding’ (Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage) combat shotgun causes an instant Class IV Hemorrhage.
Loooong range: scoped ‘Instigating’ (double dmg to full HP targets) any laser/ballistic/gauss/plasma rifle with preferred mods.
Gamma gun isn’t a unique, nor is the Syringer Rifle (which you have typoed as Syringen Rifle). They are both standard weapons purchasable from vendors throughout the commonwealth.
If you need cannonball ammo for the broadsider, there is plenty of cannon balls just laying around in the armory at “The Castle” which is just east of diamond city on an island. You must complete the Minute Men mission leading up to that place first though.
You can get the Zeta Gun for free without killing anyone!
Actually, it’s sitting on the middle desk in Jack’s lab upstairs from the beginning, but it’s red (stealing). You can try to steal it when no one is looking, but there is a better way: progress the quest, and when Jack tells you to meet him outside to go to the Asylum, everything in the house turns green, so you can just grab the Zeta Gun from the table without it being stealing. (At this point all the locked doors open up too, so make sure to properly ransack the house before heading out, there is a ton of useful stuff around, especially upstairs. Make sure to grab Lorenzo’s journal, it’s sitting on the table in one of the rooms, it’s a good read!)
There’s actually a way easier way to get the Gamma Gun, and it can be obtained a lot sooner than this! Whenever you travel to Skylanes Flight 1981 (The crashed airplane) there will typically be two factions fighting it out at the location. Quicksave before fast travelling to the location once you’ve discovered it, and you’ll often see Children of Atom dueling it out with some other group (Gunners, bandits, super mutants, etc.). The Children of Atom utilize the Gamma Gun! Kill these NPCs and you’ll be able to loot their weapon quite early on.
Gamma Gun isn’t unique weapon sadly. I’ve found 2 of those on Childs of Atom near the race track place. However, as they both were using the Gamma Gun, it was pretty hard to defeat them, so going to the Decayed Reactor is probbably the easiest way.
Hazmat suits make you all but immune to the Children of Atom. It’s almost adorable watching them try to hurt you, but you do have to watch out for their regular weapons and grenades.
You didn’t list General Chao’s revenge, the sword you can buy from starlight diner or somewhere near there. It’s a Chinese officers sword that does critical damage to robots.
its above gainer and below tinker toms special m8
Yeah they did
Just by the way on how to obtain the zeta gun you state they only way is to let Lorenzo free, I’m not sure if this is a glitch but before that mission when he told me to find his sister it’s sitting on his desk, but I did not grab it then. After I defeated Lorenzo I went back to the house for the artifact gun ( didn’t realize it wanted me to return to the asylum) and it was still laying there so I took it and was not considered stealing.
Ive gone back several times and picked up multiple zeta guns myself, i have 3, seems odd to me
nothing odd about it, most places will re-spawn enemies and loot after a few days i think places that say “cleared” are 30 in game days and all enemies and new loot will be there so you can farm them for exp ect to keep the game going once completed
Great guide, but you are missing loads of weapons. Will they be coming to the guide soon?
Excellent, working my way down the list again!
Add aternus or somthing like that from Nika world it’s a Gatling Lazer but it literally has infinet ammo!
yea were currently adding about 10 more that were just introduced to the game
I also am a bit dissapointed as you left out the most POWERFUL weapon in the game” The Last Miniute” It is a variation of the gauss rifle and does 230 damage when fully charged
The last minute is no where near the best weapon in the game. The two shot guass rifle does over 900 damage with the right perks not to mention it shoots an additional projectile meaning it could potentially do 1800 plus damage.
The most powerful weapon is the explosive mini gun and the two shot guass rifle
I would say almost anything wounding or two shot are the best weapons. Staggering is also really nice
my Last Minute does 551 dam for one shot. I am trying to find the two shot gauss rifle, cause then i will do 1102 dam pershot. also i can do citicals of about 1377 dam, give or take a bit, so i dont know why its not on this list, if it something to do with ammo avalibility, then think again i have over 1000 rounds for my Last Minute
The regular 10mm is the best it does 18 damage! No other gun is anywhere near that amount of damage. I’m surprised it wasn’t on the list.
Because the Deliverer does more damage.
hi. i think i have 1 of the best guns. vats enhanced overcharged laser pistol with improved vats hit chance, 25% less ap cost. range 395 (yep 395) dmg 180 fr 50 ac 105. i can kill things in vats that i can’t even see. i have played alot of fallout 4 and this pistol beats all.
The zeta gun info is slightly incorrect. You can get both it and Lorenzos artifact pretty easily. Choose to kill Lorenzo and all doors unlock in Cabot house, and all objects become free (not stolen). The zeta gun is just lying there on a table. Cabot still gives you the artifact after a week of waiting.