ESO Summerset Skyshard Locations Map Added to TESO Life
Summerset, the latest DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, lets players explore the homeland of the High Elves for the first time. It has been released a few days ago, and our sister site ESO Life has been hard at work updating their interactive map to include the important bits of the new expansion. The biggest thing, as everyone familiar with the game knows, is the ESO Summerset skyshard locations map.

The skyshards are the most important collectibles in the game, since collecting them rewards players with additional skill points. There are eighteen of them in the new add-on – while some are hidden in obvious places, others are considerably harder to find. You’ll probably need help with at least a few of them. That’s why the interactive map is important – you simply click on the location on the map, and it gives you a detailed description, as well as a handful of screenshots to illustrate the point.
Seeing how important these skill stones are, the site now also has a map of Clockwork City skyshard locations. There are only six of them in Sotha-Sil’s fortress, but that wasn’t the point of that particular piece of DLC anyway.
ESO Summerset was released on PC on May 21st, and console players will be getting it on June 5th. The delay is probably meant to allow the developers a test run on a smaller sample, before they open the floodgates. The add-on isn’t free – if you want to access it, you’ll either have to get a subscription package, which nets you everything the game has to offer for a flat monthly fee, or buy it in the Crown store. The first option is better it you’re a regular player, but if you’re just back to carouse in the sun for a few weeks before dropping the game again, we suggest the Crown store option.