How to Upgrade Mimic Tear in Elden Ring
If you need to know how to upgrade the Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring, we’ve got your back. And why wouldn’t you? After all, it is arguably the most OP summon in the entire game. The short answer here is – you need to get Ghost Glovewort of different levels to slowly get your Mimic Tear summon to +10. As for the long answer, well, let’s dive right in.

How to Upgrade Mimic Tear in Elden Ring
To upgrade the Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring, you need to use Ghost Glovewort. There are ten different “levels” of Ghost Glovewort, and they can be used to get your Mimic Tear summon (or other renowned Ashes) to +10. You just need to take the material to Roderika, wherever she may be at that point. Since we’re talking Mimic Tear Ashes, I’d wager she’s probably in Roundtable Hold.
Now, the real problem arises when trying to get your hands on Ghost Gloverwort 7, 8 and 9. You can find them around Moghwyn Palace, Nokstella, Eternal City, and Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. However, if you want a constant supply, you’ll need to grab the Ghost-Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing 3 and take it to the Twin Maiden Husks. You can find this item in Miquella’s Haligtree, aka the northernmost area on the map. For detailed instructions, check out this video by ConCon.
How Do Upgrades Affect the Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring?
Upgrades affect the Elden Ring Mimic Tear Ashes like they do any other summon in the game – it gets more HP, does more damage, and gets better resistances. That in itself is not that surprising, right? What is surprising is just how incredibly powerful the Mimic Tear summon is even when not fully upgraded. By the time you get it to +10, it will do a smidge less damage than you, while having multiple times your health and what seems to be infinite FP. In other words, even at lower levels, you have a twin that might not hit as hard as you, but is damned close, and can take way more punishment. So, saunter into a boss room, call upon the Mimic Tear Ashes, curl up in a ball, and wait for it all to be over.
Very early in your exploration of Elden Ring world you will find out that you need to prepare your character for different tasks. You'll need to learn how to use Ashes of War, how to two-hand weapons, or use magic spells during the course of your adventures. Many secrets are also waiting for you, such as, a hostile NPC Sellen that doesn't let you see her shop, an invisible man in a bush, or a huge turtle with a bell that lets you duplicate some very important items.