Elden Ring Spirit Calling Bell - Summoning Bell
The Elden Ring Spirit Calling Bell aka summoning bell, is a special item that is necessary to summon spirits through ashes. As is the case with pretty much everything in this game, you’re gonna have to jump through a couple of hoops before you can get it. We’ll lay out the whole process in this guide and show you how to get to the Elden Ring Spirit Calling Bell, as well as explain how to summon spirits with ashes.

How to Get Spirit Calling Bell in Elden Ring
To get the Spirit Calling Bell location in Elden Ring and summon spirits through ashes, you first have to play through the game until you’ve reached the site of grace, or bonfire, just outside the entrance to Stormgate castle. The site of grace is called Gatefront, and when you first activate it and sit down to rest, you’ll meet Melina. Accept her offer, and you’ll get the Spectral Steed Whistle. Now, go south to the Church of Elleh (location provided in the screenshots below). Activate the site of grace there if you haven’t already. Next, head to any other bonfire, and use it to fast travel back to the church. This should cause the witch Renna to spawn. Talk to her and tell her that you can call the spectral steed. She will give you the item, plus Lone Wolf Ashes.
How to use Spirit Calling Bell – Elden Ring Rebirth Monument
That’s how you get the Summoning Bell, its location, and you can now summon spirits through ashes. Obviously, only if you have ashes on hand, which you probably will before getting the bell. In fact, the ashes are little more than inventory clutter before you get the summoning item. If you don’t know what the spirits are, they’re basically like NPC summons that fight by your side. However, you can’t call them whenever you want to. You can only do so if you see a special icon on the left. It looks like an arch with writing in the middle, kinda like headstone. You’ll usually see it before bosses, legacy dungeons, enemy camps, etc. Spirits can be summoned only near rebirth monument. As soon as you leave the designated area, the spirit will disappear automatically.
Very early in your exploration of Elden Ring world you will find out that you need to prepare your character for different tasks. You'll need to learn how to use Ashes of War, how to two-hand weapons, or use magic spells during the course of your adventures. Many secrets are also waiting for you, such as, a hostile NPC Sellen that doesn't let you see her shop, an invisible man in a bush, or a huge turtle with a bell that lets you duplicate some very important items.