Elden Ring Potentate for Jar Bairn
The Elden Ring Potentate for Jar Bairn is one of the steps in the quest line of this new NPC. Basically, the village of Jarburg needs a new ruler, and the little baby-jar is wondering whether that’s you or not. So, you’ll have a dialogue choice of whether you are the new potentate or not. And if not, who is? Well, let’s get into it!

Elden Ring I am Your Potentate or Not Choice
What you select in the I am Your Potentate or Not Elden Ring Jar Bairn choice does not matter much. Whatever you choose, it seems that Jar Bairn will conclude that you are not Potentate material. Your hands are not silky or smooth enough, you see. Why this matters will be revealed later on in the quest, and it’s absolutely adorable. But for now, it might seem that you’re stuck in this quest. Don’t worry, you’re not. Just go and rest at the Jarburg site of grace and then go back and talk to the child jar. This should advance the quest. If just resting doesn’t do it, go back to the bonfire and pass some time or teleport away and back again. That usually does the trick. This is what you need to do every time you exhaust all your dialogue options with the baby jar.
Elden Ring Potentate for Jar Bairn
Eventually, you will hit a wall with this quest, and you will have to find a potentate for Jar Bairn in Elden Ring to continue. To do that, you actually have to complete Lanya’s and Diallos’s questline. We write in detail about that whole thing in our Elden Ring Lanya & Diallos Quest guide. SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT. When you complete this whole part of the game and defeat Rykard in Volcano Manor, everyone will leave the place. Go back to Jar Bairn, and you’ll learn that Diallos has actually made his way to Jarburg and became potentate. So, now you can exhaust all the dialogue with both baby-jar and Diallos in order to proceed with the quest, then do the same site of grace trick to advance it. Things will get dark, as we touch upon in our Tell Diallos He Defended the Jars or Not Choice guide.
Very early in your exploration of Elden Ring world you will find out that you need to prepare your character for different tasks. You'll need to learn how to use Ashes of War, how to two-hand weapons, or use magic spells during the course of your adventures. Many secrets are also waiting for you, such as, a hostile NPC Sellen that doesn't let you see her shop, an invisible man in a bush, or a huge turtle with a bell that lets you duplicate some very important items.