Elden Ring PC Controls, How to Open Map on PC
Elden Ring is out on all platforms, including on PC via Steam, and computer players are having problems with basic PC controls, like how to open the map. The thing is that the game shows tips for certain game elements, but it sometimes shows tips for using the controller, although you’re playing with keyboard and mouse. Besides, who reads tips anymore? Elden Ring PC Controls are a bit awkward to say the least. They are not what PC players are used to. To help alleviate some pain we’ve compiled this article. It contains both commands shown in key bindings and those in tips. We hope this helps with Elden Ring PC controls and answers questions like how to open the map and how to run.

How to Open the Map on PC in Elden Ring
To open the map in Elden Ring on PC you have to press the letter G. In the history of PC games it was always M that opens the map or sometimes TAB. From Software decided that G is the key for this. Furthermore they don’t let you change this in key bindings screen. Dark Souls games were always a pain to play on the PC because of this. It takes a while to get used to the key layout and commands. Unfortunately, Elden ring is no exception. PErhaps they’ll improve it with a patch or a mod by the community.

Important tips for Elden Ring PC Controls
At the beginning of the game you go through Cave of Knowledge. This is the tutorial area. During it you’ll get a bunch of on-screen tips. Each will contain a keyboard and mouse combinations needed to perform a certain action. Try and memorize these. If, by any chance, the tips you get are showing Xbox controller buttons you need to press here’s the solution. Press ESC and click on System in the lower left of the screen. Click on the sound and display tab, which is the third icon from the left. Change the option Device for On-Screen Prompts from controller to keyboard and mouse. Tips will show keyboard commands from then on.

How to run, jump and hold 2H weapon in Elden Ring?
Here’s some common commands you’ll be using often that can be missed if you don’t read tips.
- How to jump in Elden Ring? – Press F
- How to hold a weapon in two hands in Elden Ring? – Press and hold E, then left click to equip in 2H mode your right weapon (main). Right click while holding E to equip left armament.
- How to run in Elden Ring? – Hold space while you want to run. Space is also dodge when quickly pressed. You can slowly walk by pressing ALT.
Elden Ring PC Controls
Here’s a table containing all Elden Ring PC Controls. This compiles both those you can change in key binding and those we picked up in tips.
Move | Button |
Movement Control/Sneak | Alt (toggles moving with normal pace or slower for sneaking) |
Move Forwards | W |
Move Backwards | S |
Move Left | A |
Move Right | D |
Backstep | Space |
Dodge Roll | Hold WSAD + press Space (dodge dolls in the direction you’re moving) |
Dash/Run | Hold Space + WSAD (run in the direction you’re moving by holding Space) |
Jump | F |
Crouch / Stand Up | X |
Open Map | G |
Camera Controls | |
Move Camera | Move Mouse |
Lock-On/Remove Target, Reset Camera | Q / Click Middle Mouse Button (scroll) |
Switch Armaments | |
Switch Sorcery/Incantation | Up Arrow |
Switch Consumable Item | Down Arrow |
Switch Right-Hand Armament | Right Arrow / Shift + Scroll Up |
Switch Left-Hand Armament | Left Arrow / Shift + Scroll Down |
Wield with two hands | E + Left Mouse Click / Right Mouse Click (left mouse for right hand weapon and vice versa) |
Attack | |
Attack (RH & Two-Handed Armament) | Left Mouse click |
Precision Bow Aiming | Right Mouse Click |
Strong Attack (RH & 2H Armament) | Shift + Left Mouse Click |
Guard (LF Armament) | Right Mouse Click |
Use Skill | Shift + Right Mouse Click (If you have shield equipped it will trigger its skill. To trigger right hand weapon skill first put it i 2H mode.) |
Two-hand weapon | Hold E + Left click/Right click |
Bow & Crossbow commands | |
Equip a bow to fire arrows. You can equip up to two types of arrows to choose from at once. | |
Precision aiming | Hold Right Mouse Button |
Aim | Move Mouse |
Fire arrow/bolt type 1 | Left Mouse Click |
Fire arrow/bolt type 2 | Shift + Left Mouse Click |
Various | |
Use Item | R |
Event Action (Examine, Open, Talk, etc.) | E |
Use Pouch item | Hold E + Arrows |
Very early in your exploration of Elden Ring world you will find out that you need to prepare your character for different tasks. You'll need to learn how to use Ashes of War, how to two-hand weapons, or use magic spells during the course of your adventures. Many secrets are also waiting for you, such as, a hostile NPC Sellen that doesn't let you see her shop, an invisible man in a bush, or a huge turtle with a bell that lets you duplicate some very important items.
I am 71, it has taken me 3 weeks to master the keyboard controls. Why does no developer ask some of the thousands of older pc, mouse users to Beta test surely all these issues have been solved but all the solutions are never gathered together by one developer and some like this one just ignore them and do their own thing.
Virtually unplayable on PC. $60 down the drain. Seriously..arrow keys to switch items left/right?? How about F keys.. anything. Tilt mouse wheel left right if your mouse has that?? ..sheesh. This game IS NOT FOR PC. It should be noted before purchase.
I quite agree as I always assign my movement keys differently, G being my move right key. I can’t overcome 40 odd years of muscle memory either (been playing since the Spectrum days).
What sort of idiot would make the decision to prevent you from changing the map key to something else, M or otherwise. It can’t be possible that nobody flagged this up during play testing on a PC.
Seriously annoyed grumpy old guy, 64, own house and teeth,…….. Oh sorry, wrong site
Been playing PC for 30 years yes I am old. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks eh…..yeh I get it.
But when you can assign keys in a reasonable manner on a PC that is almost industry standard then I am afraid they totally missed me.
Yes I did buy the game but got so frustrated with the controls I asked for a refund. Elden Ring looks great and I believe it probably is an awesome game but I am too old to get frustrated when this would be a simple keybindings PC. Ok may be not so simple but every other publisher can do it…..why can’t they.
As mentioned above if they fix the keybindings or there is a suitable mob I will happily re buy.
Ditto, I bought the game, and of course love then name (hint Elden is my name). But I tried twice with different toons and cannot even get thru the tutorial. I’ve stopped playing. Most if not all of my problems have been using a keyboard/mouse as I have no experience using a controller. Too bad really.