Elden Ring Blaidd Armor Set, Black Wolf Mask & Sword
News of Kentaro Miura’s tragic passing in 2021 came as a shock to all the fans of his dark fantasy manga series, Berserk. Having sold millions of copies worldwide, this is one of the most popular and influential fantasy comics of all time. It stars Guts, a dark and troubled warrior, wielding an oversized sword, and clad in dark armor. It’s no wonder that this has inspired a lot of From Soft games’ esthetics. In fact, there is a character in Elden Ring called Blaidd, and his look is very obviously modeled after Guts. If, upon meeting him, you have wondered whether or not there is a way to get his armor set and sword (the Royal Great Sword) – well, there is. And, in this Elden Ring Blaidd Armor Set, Black Wolf Mask & Sword guide, we will explain what you need to do in order to get it.

How to Get Blaidd Armor Set & Black Wolf Sword
To begin with, you should read our Blaidd Location guide to find out how to find this NPC and what to do if he isn’t appearing for you. The questchain for Blaidd and Ranni are very intertwined. After you reach the end of Ranni’s quest, go back to Ranni’s Rise. There, you will find Blaidd in front of the entrance. He will be hostile and there doesn’t seem to be any way for you to calm him down.
When you defeat him, you will get his Royal Greatsword, Blaidd’s Armor, Blaidd’s Gauntlets, and Blaidd’s Greaves. As you know, armor sets have four pieces, and the headpiece is missing from this. We’ll show you where to get it in the next section.
Elden Ring Black Wolf Mask Location
To get the Black Wolf Mask, go to Seluvis’ Rise. When standing in front of the entrance to this location, you will see a ruined wall to the left. Jump on it and go to the top. There is a dead body here that you can pillage. You will find the Black Wolf Mask on it. Getting this will complete the Blaidd Armor set. We’d like to thank the Gaming With Abyss YT channel and their very helpful video that we referred to and got the screenshots from when writing this guide.
Very early in your exploration of Elden Ring world you will find out that you need to prepare your character for different tasks. You'll need to learn how to use Ashes of War, how to two-hand weapons, or use magic spells during the course of your adventures. Many secrets are also waiting for you, such as, a hostile NPC Sellen that doesn't let you see her shop, an invisible man in a bush, or a huge turtle with a bell that lets you duplicate some very important items.