Gosunoob at E3
In a couple of days, Los Angeles will be hosting gaming’s biggest annual event – the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3. We’re going to have a reporter on site, so expect exciting news as soon as they’re announced.
You can also take a look at our YouTube channel, where we’ll be posting all of the video reports and material gathered during E3.

Here’s a list of things you can expect from us during the coming week:

Here’s a list of things you can expect from us during the coming week:
- A report from Bethesda’s press conference, hopefully with new details about Fallout 4
- A visit to Ubisoft’s booth, coupled with hands-on time with Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
- A report from Square Enix’ booth, where Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Just Cause 3 will be shown
- Destiny hands-on, followed by interviews
- A visit to Capcom’s booth
- And so much more….