Find the Lost Boy Dying Light 2 Foster Family Side Quest
In Dying Light 2, you will need to face not just the horrors of the zombie apocalypse, but also the inherent darkness in humanity as well. It’s no wonder that the game’s title is “Stay Human”. One of the more harrowing examples of this is the “Foster Family” side quest, in which you will be tasked with finding a lost boy. Locating this lost child is easier said than done. If you are having trouble finding the boy, our Find the Lost Boy Dying Light 2 Foster Family Side Quest guide will tell you precisely where the kid is.

Where to Find the Lost Boy Dying Light 2 Foster Family Side Quest
You will receive this quest from Hugh who is at the Wharf. He will explain that his son is missing and that he would like you to find him and get him back home. Hugh fears that the boy has gotten himself in trouble over at the Watter Tower in Muddy Grounds. Go there. If there are any Infected here, you need to clear them all out. Keep moving from room to room until you have done so.
When you have taken care of all the Infected there, go down the stairs. You will see a UV light down there, and a child huddling next to it. Go and talk to the kid. He will tell you that his name is Match. Surprisingly, it will turn out that he doesn’t want to go back to Hugh. This is because Hugh isn’t really his father, but someone that treats him and the other children under his care as slaves. All that’s left now to finish this “Foster Family” side quest is to go back to Hugh to confront him for what he has done. What follows is another twist, where it will turn out that Hugh is teaching the orphaned children to steal in order to survive, but he isn’t holding them against their will. In any case, this completes the “Foster Family” side-quest.
I have already cap’d water tower and found the boy but the quest says to clear out zombies but there are none and wont let me complete.
I’m pretty sure the mission becomes bugged and incompletable after you secure the water tower, wont let me proceed through the mission.
It will let you complete it, I’ve just done it. I secured the water tower then went down the ladders at the bottom of the tower and found him by the UV light.
It is completable….. you go in the water tower and jump down, towards the basement…. The kids sitting on a platform. It is kinda bugged. But that’s how you get i