Dragon’s Dogma 2 ARCHIVE - Page 3
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Transfer Your Arisen from Character Creator to Full Game
Since creating your main character can often take a lot of time (I’ve known people that spend more than two hours doing just this), the…
How to Use Pawn Go Command in Dragon’s Dogma 2
In Dragon’s Dogma 2, a lot of gameplay elements revolve around your Pawn. These selfless and loyal companions can be invaluable in exploring the world,…
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Best Starting Class, Vocation Choice
The classes in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are called Vocations, and which one to pick for your Arisen is going to be one of the most…
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Forgotten Riftstones Locations
Finding out where to find locations of Dragon’s Dogma 2 Forgotten Riftstones is important because, well, the Riftstones are a major mechanic. And, sure, they…
How to Resurrect the Dead in Dragon’s Dogma 2
If you want to know how to resurrect the dead in Dragon’s Dogma 2, don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’re going…
How to Change Appearance in Dragon’s Dogma 2
We all want our characters to look as attractive as possible. That is why we typically spend a lot of time in character creation, playing…
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Best Pawn Inclination Choice
Pawns are one of those gameplay elements that make Dragon’s Dogma 2 the memorable experience that it is. Every Arisen (the main character in DD2)…
How to Fast Travel in Dragon’s Dogma 2
When it comes to large open-world games such as Dragon’s Dogma 2, it can take a lot of time to travel from one location to…
Which Race to Choose in Dragon’s Dogma 2, Does Race Matter?
Unlike Dragon’s Dogma 1, in which we could only play as humans, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has expaned this to several races. You will be able…
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Trickster Vocation Class
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has many Vocations for your Arisen and Pawns to specialize in. Though you start the game having access only to four of…
Take a Side with Simon or Raghnall in Dragon’s Dogma 2
In our Take a Side with Simon or Raghnall in Dragon’s Dogma 2 guide, we are going to discuss who you should side wit in…
Does Character Height & Weight Matter in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Like the first game, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has many customization options. While most of these are purely esthetic ones, a couple will affect how your…
What Age to Pick in Dragon’s Dogma 2, Does Age Matter?
When you start Dragon’s Dogma 2, one of the very first questions that the game is going to ask is to enter your age. And…
How to Change Class in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Dragon’s Dogma 2 features an excellent class system called Vocations. These define what sort of character your Arisen is, be they a Fighter, Mage, Archer,…
Can You Play Dragon’s Dogma 2 Without Pawns?
Pawns represent a gameplay mechanic that clearly sets the Dragon’s Dogma series apart from similar games. The way that this works is that you have…
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Tell the Truth or Lie to Norman About Vernworth Boy
There are many choices to make in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Some of these can be pretty important – such as which Vocation to choose for…
Best Main Pawn for a Thief in Dragon’s Dogma 2
If you like to play as a true glass cannon, then the Thief is by far the best Vocation for you in Dragon’s Dogma 2….
What Does Moniker Mean in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
During character creation in Dragon’s Dogma 2, one of the things that you are going to need to set for your character is their Moniker….
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Golden Trove Beetle Locations
Finding Dragon’s Dogma 2 Golden Trove Beetle locations is pretty difficult. They are rare, for one. Another problem is that they’re pretty much exclusively found…
How to Increase Carrying Capacity in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Like every RPG player knows, weight capacity is one of those things that can make a game very difficult to play. After all, there’s few…