DBZ Kakarot DLC Not Working - Season Pass Issues
The first piece of DLC for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is coming out, and people are already having issues with it. The first part of the A New Power Awakens expansion is going live on April 28th, and it’s going to add a new transformation, new training, items that award EXP and sub stories. If you’re having trouble with the DLC or the season pass in general, our DBZ Kakarot DLC not working guide will answer all your DLC questions.

Can’t play Beerus episode, season pass not installed
Some players have noticed that even though they’ve bought the season pass, they can’t play it. They get a message saying it isn’t installed, even after the game has performed a hefty download. The main thing to keep in mind is that the DLC is not out yet. It’s not working because, for all intents and purposes, it doesn’t exist at this point. The release date is April 28th, which means you’re a day early. You might get it earlier if it’s a worldwide launch and you’re in a favourable time zone, but don’t count on it. The download you had was just the patch.
Do I have to buy season pass to play DLC?
For now, yes. Both of the announced DLCs are parts of the same arc, but you’ll be able to buy them separately once the second one is out. If you don’t want to wait and want to play the first part right now, your only options is to buy the season pass.
Already own seasons pass but cannot download it
It is not out yet. The DLC goes live on April 28th. Give it some time. It will most probably be dowloaded automatically when the time comes. If not, you’ll be able to download it manually – but not before it’s out.
I have got the season pass when I bought the deluxe edition and yet I still don’t have any of the stuff that it says I’m supposed to have it just gave me the food item and that was it
I bought the a new power awakens set and the dlc won’t install also they don’t have the download button
Same! Says purchased in ps store buts thats all can’t download part 1 or 2 of the power awakens set and on game menu add ons says buy underneath them both
After I install the dlc and go to try and load my game it keeps uninstalling..
Anyone with the problem of not being about to talk to characters (clicking o on the dualshock 4)? Clicking o to talk to characters, nothing happens. Did a reboot. Works for a while, but then it happens again. I know it is not the controller’s problem as I can hit options and go back out using the o button. The o button does fine in other games as well.
it’s now almost May 2 here. I purchased Deluxe Edition for PS4 which includes season pass and already redeemed the code in January. I can’t download 1.10 as it says I need to purchase the season pass?? The dlc code was already redeemed when I first bought it. It also says the code has been redeemed. The solution is to delete the game and reinstall? What is this logic and what about my save files. Bandai is totally doing it in a wrong way.
in addition to above, it won’t let me download A new power awaken part 1 from the store as I don’t own season pass. I redeemed this code in January. It says I still need to purchase the season pass.
Hey I’m having the same problem as you. I deleted the game and it’s reinstalling right now so I’m hoping that works. It just kept opening the Microsoft store for me even though I bought and downloaded the DLC
I cant use the dlc using disc game. I bought and downloaded the game from ps store and the dlc add ons starts working. The problem is my completed saved game for level 250 isnt loading using the downloaded file. It only loads usingmy kakarot disc. ? wasted time and money. Is there someone same prob as mine?
I uninstalled and reinstalled the game to get it to work
still can’t get special training, anyone know how to get it. Beat the game. Level 106
I know I purchased the game with e season pass the day it launched and now it’s saying I don’t have it anymore
Guys you have te look in de playstation store, there is a another pass to download it is free. After downloading you can play the story of god.
At 12 p.m. Eastern standard Time in the state of Georgia the DLC was available for kakarot
The DLC works now
Davis, are you in the USA? Do you have PS4? I’m asking because I’m searching for best results to do so when I get off I can retry this download.
So its working I went to playstation store and search power awaken and there you add the dlc
Load game go to store dwnload dlc
it’s about to be 10 over here in texas for me and it all says the same thing, i hope they don’t plan on delaying the dlc bc of this pandemic lol, but still
I think a lot of us are having the same issue. I think we just have to wait till they fix whatever is going on.
when a company says the update is on a specific date they should make it accessible at 12:00 am in the morning not the middle of the day I still can’t play it eaither
Hey! If anyone is having trouble on Xbox with the DLC not showing up but they updated. Hover over the Kakarot icon in My games and apps and press the start button. Go down then to Manage Game and add ons. Scroll to Ready to install and it should be in there. Hope this helped!
It’s April 28th and I can’t play the DLC.
It’s the 28th here in Puerto Rico and I can’t access the add on content, I purchased both add ons and nothing, any suggestions?
Have the season pass have the 1.10 and I dont see ANYTHING new
Im having same issues i have update 1.10 installed so prob have to wait till 11am or noon for some reason dragon ball z games always delay the release time specially on ps for some reason thats the only reasoning I can think of
In America east side and still don’t have access to what I bought months ago have the 1.10 updated with a colorless area saying buy at bottom and when I click buy it pops up with nothing in PlayStation store.
It’s 8:53 am here in Florida on the 28th of April and it says buy season pass the dlc won’t let me play it
April 28th 8:49 am and I’ve got season pass made sure license was restored updated my game to 1.10 but when I go to add ons to play it..says to go to ps store when I do nothing comes up..I’ve restarted my ps twice my game 4 times and still cant play it…been wanting to play this since I knew about it and now the day has come and cant play it…really frustrated and mad. If anybody has any update plz let me know
Yea its currently 22:17 28 Apr in Australia and still no v1.10 update…
Many sadface, much disappoint.
Hi cant find dlc its.downloaded to my xbox one but cant find the addon menu to play it. It’s the 28th and I dont see it here what should I do
yeah its the 28th, 8:55 pm here in Australia and I have the dlc but the update won’t appear at all. Not sure what’s going on
The dlc is not working
Everything is downloaded add ons still in black and white and wont play have the ultimate edition so what’s wrong. Keep saying have to purchase to play but I already have season pass
My ps4 is updated to 1.10 and I bought the season pass as well. I think it’s just a time zone thing because its currently 6:18 a.m here and I still can’t play the dlc. Way to go toriyama ?
Have you guys tried going to your consoles game library and then scrolling to dragon ball and then clicking the add on menu. Or go to the store and type a new power awakens (just go to the main game page and scroll down to add ons if you’d prefer to do it that way) and click download. If you have the pass then it should say free when purchasing it. Hope this helps
Yo I got my DLC with the deluxe version and my stuff is updated to 1.10 and it still saying my season pass isn’t downloaded
I have the same problem. An update was supposed to be available today but mine is still dated to version 1.6 and not 1.10. I spent a lot of money on it
Vietnam, GMT +7
It’s April 28, 5:24pm
Season pass purchased and 1.10 installed but nothing. Keeps saying I have to buy season pass to play, which I already have
I’m still waiting for it, I already have the update but it’s still not working. At what time is it coming out?
Thanks for the article but no help. I purchased the season pass with the purchase of the game in January from the PS store. The game has updated and the “Add-ons” is available but when I go to play the new story it says I have to purchase the season pass. What I gotta do to get my berrus battle on??????
Where are you from Matt? I’m in the UK but the update still hasn’t happened it’s still showing 1.06 grr.
Russel I’m in Vietnam and have 1.10 update and the season but when I try to activate the new story from the add ons menu it’s black and white….. I’m GMT +7 time, it’s 5:22pm April 28. Frustrated
I’ve uninstalled the game and reinstalled it on the xbox and it’s still version 1.06. This is really starting to test my last nerve
Hey I I have the season pass for game since the game was released. As of 330am (Colorado) time, the game installed 1.10 but it says I need to have season pass to play. Little confused about why the game ask me to buy season pass if I have it…
Ive got the update and purchased the ultimate edition. Does the ultimate edition not come with season pass? It says that it does but is still prompting me to buy the add on.
Nevermind i do have the season pass it just isnt working
Go to PS Store not in-game then DBZ Kakarot Game Page, there will be another add-on which will be the first DLC download. After completing the 1.10 update if you bought the season pass it will be free to download
I’ve gone into the Playstation Store through the Home, and it doesn’t show any add-ons besides the Pre-order DLC and the season pass, both of which say ‘purchased’, and yet, when I go to the add-ons in the game, it says that I still need to purchase it. Something is clearly bugged. It’s now 6 am where I am, and I still can’t play it. People were playing it 20 hours ago, so something’s not right.
It’s 11:00am on the 28th, I start the game and go to add ons and it says I need to purchase it again. I click ok and I have a blue screen. Just wanted to play but I guess not.
I guess I’m not going to be able to play it today. It’ll probably take hours to download, and it’s already 5 am. I need to go to sleep by noon so I’m rested for work tonight, so if this doesn’t get fixed asap, I won’t have time to play it. This is ridiculous.
now already 28 April but i still cant play the dlc it need me buy season pass at ps store ,but i have buy season pass before. now i can see the dlc but cant play , it keep tell me to buy season pass. is it a bug .please fixed it thanks
I’m having the same issue I have the season pass and all but it won’t let me start it it’s still in black and white and keeps sending me to the ps store but nothing shows . I said fuck it and uninstalled the game and reinstalled and am waiting on the patch to download now which it’s saying 8 almost 9 gigs but from what I remember it was only 3 or so gigs (the patch 1.10 ) so after it downloads I’ll see if it works and let y’all know
Robert in doing the same thing again I did it earlier I restored my license I’ve checked that the game catch says season pass which it does and it’s still telling me to buy it make no sense
PSN support chat don’t start until 8:00 am so idk man
It’s April 28 6:47pm where I am and the dlc still isn’t available for me.
Microsoft really needs to have their shit together before posting some wack timeframe, smh.. pathetic
Its 4:44 am on the 28th ps4 isnt even registering the season pass I paid for that with the preorder bundle all my game keeps saying is buy the season pass the hell is with that?
i have the same problem i bought the deluxe edition wich includes the season pass and it says i still have to buy the season pass
Yeah I’ve got the same problem Andrew. I’ve got the Power Awakens Part 1 at only 10mb but I’m still on version 1.06. So confusing and annoying! How do we get this done??
It’s been April 28th for 4 and a half hours where I live, and it shows the DLC in the add-ons section but says I need the season pass, even though the playstation store says I already purchased the season pass, and when I go to the playstation store through the game, the playstation store page is blank.
I bought the battle pass yet it says it u have to go to PlayStation store to buy the battle pass again then when it takes me there my store just goes blank and says KAKAROTOO in the top left. It’s the 28th so Idk what is wrong
Same here I don’t understand
Same exact problem I’m having , my Kakarot is version 1.10 but I still can’t play my dlc , it’s gray and telling me to buy it , I have the ultimate version with the season pass and I still can’t play it yet I’ve seen people playing the dlc on live broadcasts , why can’t we access this content ?
I bought the season pass a while ago I’m trying to access the ad on but every time I go to the PlayStation store it’s just a blue screen do you have to be at a certain level to access this part someone please help me
Change date and time settings to 4/30/2020 or later try to open add-on it says it’s undergoing maintenance their probably trying to fix it.
It’s 4 am on the 28 and I’m still having this problem.
Same here
same for me as for Andrew. i have the season pass and i looked today april 28 09:42 AM and i found the part 1 and the Music so i installed it. After it was done i started the game but the version is still 1.06 and not 1.10 like i Think it should have updated to. i have even looked on the season pass on the store and i have all the content installed yet my game for some reason havent updated the main game. Any idea why?
Sincerly. Jonas from sweden.
Same here :/
Its now april 28th everywhere in north America, i sbould be able to access the dlc, its 3 30 where i am… ive seen people streaming it so i know somethings out there
I was able to update to 1.10 and it’s on the 28th in the USA I bought the ultimate edition I downloaded the season pass but it still says I have to buy it in the in-game menu
I don’t even have an add on menu
Niether do I, even redownloaded the game and everything
This is some sh*t. My xbox wont give me the update for 1.10 and I have no add on menu wtf
I have purchased the season pass but still cannot access the dlc and it is April 28th 2:48 am
I have bought the season pass and have tried to launch the dlc episode but it keeps telling me that I don’t have the season pass???
7:11 in uk on 28th still not working
it’s the 28th and the DLC won’t download…please explain.
I was having the same issue, I had already bought it and couldn’t access it from the pause menu. I went to the title screen and clicked on the PlayStation store there and it was there and all I had to do is click it to download and that was is it, I had it when I started my game back up. I do have the v. 1.10
nice one bud sorted the problem right out ?
My dlc for Kakarot isn’t coming on the game at all after it told me it was going to restart to title screen need help Xbox one user
Redone load the Season pass and it will pop up
Hey my game will not even download the patch update to access the season pas is there a way to manually access the update
Cannot download it it’s the 28th April where I’m at
I been bought the dlc but on the add-on screen the say I have to buy it, redirects me to PlayStation network. & there is nothing there because I already bought it. But still can’t play it. Smh
I bought the season Pass and downloaded v1.10 and it added the add-on option to the pause screen. I go to it and it shows part 1 of the dlc but also says buy. When I go to it all I see is a blue screen basically. Nothing there. It is 8:37 am central time right now.
did you end up fixing it because I’m having the same issue
Dude it’s April 28th right now it’s 12:37 I bought the season pass when I bought the game and it’s not working
Hi having trouble.. it’s the 28th of April, and I can’t even update the game to 1.10 on Kakarot still on 1.6
I’m having the same problem. An update was suppose to be available today but mine is still dated to version 1.6 and not 1.10. I spent a lot of money for these downloads and updated to not even take effect when they are suppose to.
we all spend alot of money what makes you special lol like they owe
Unfortunately you have to uninstall your game and reinstall it I just did it and it work
It’s not a lot of money. 25 dollars lol. Making it seem like a call of duty season pass for 60 ??. The update goes live later in the afternoon.
Your comment says April 27th 2020 at 9:08pm. So I would suggest being a little patient
it’s april 28th and the add on isn’t showing what do i do?
It’s 8:53 am here in Florida on the 28th of April and the doc won’t let me play it
I’m having the same issue, its not giving me the update. I still have the 1.06 version. Xbox one. My cousin has a ps4 and he got the 1.10 update already. He has season pass too, and its not letting him play it yet either. I’m assuming sometime soon it will be up and running
I’m having the same problem as your cousin.
same here 🙁
I bought the ultimate edition that comes with the season pass I’ve updated it but it wont let me play it
It is already 29th april and it still don’t work!!
It’s 8:53 am here in Florida on the 28th of April and the doc won’t let me play it
Yo dude don’t sweat it I’m having trouble how hard is it to fucking put dlc in a game I bought the pass I can’t even select the berry’s story and their are no markers
If it’s PlayStation delete the game and re install it this worked for me
It’s the 28 and keeps saying that to play the dlc I need to buy the season pass when I already have on January 16 so don’t tell me I’m to early this dlc crap is broken people are already playing it since yesterday
I bought the season pass. I waited till 630 this morning and still it won’t download. It’s like the dlc doesn’t exist. There isn’t anything there.
idk if that’s the case maybe but I have the latest version and it’s 28th and I still can’t play it. Is there a specific time it’ll be playable?
Same here. It’s 2:55am edt. and nothing. I went to Microsoft store and was able to install the dlc, but it was only 10MB. Nothing for dlc shows up in the game. Very strange.
Hi I’m having the same issue on xbox
im having the same issue its currently the 28th 13;12 pm i have downloaded the dlc in the xbox store but im still showing as playing version 1.06 not 1.10
I have the update but it’s still not working
If you search a new power awakens it’s there in the store just cannot download it’s 11am est
you need to access the store from dbz main menu and install the season pass
All of you go to the store
Look up Kakarot dlc
Click it
Download it
Just did it and I’m playing now