Argent Cells are upgrades for your Praetor suit in Doom. Each cell you pick up will let you increase your health, armor or ammo capacity.
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They are round and have an orange glow, but are often easy to miss, since they can be well hidden. This guide will show you all argent cell locations in Doom.
Mission 2 Argent Cell Location
This is the first cell in the game, and you can’t miss it. It is revealed during when you enter the round room that houses the VEGA terminal. After your enter the room, it will rise from the floor and Hayden will tell you about its purpose.
Argent Cell in Mission 3
Once you’re in front of the blue locked door in the main hall, cross the bridge to the other side. Turn left as you step off it, and go forward as far as possible. You’ll get to a large door with a white container next to it. Open the container to get the cell.
Mission 4 Argent Cell Location
Look for a door in the courtyard with the forcefield, near the hanging cargo container. It will be closed, and you’ll have to kill the enemies outside for them to open. Go around the fence, past the generators, to get to the cell.
We’re going to update the guide with more Argent Cell locations as soon as we discover them.