Weapon Skins are mods for guns in The Division. They’re used for customization and only affect the look of an item.
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You can get them as random drops, quest rewards, or buy them from the Appearance Vendor in the Base of Operations. This guide will show you a list of weapon skins in The Division and what they look like.
How to get Weapon Skins
A skin can be applied to any weapon, regardless of type. Some are solid color, while others sport a pattern. While they can be obtained in the field, the easiest way to get them is by getting an Appearance Vendor in your headquarters. You’ll have to unlock a certain upgrade in the Security Wing, called Supply Lines. After that, the merchant will appear, selling all kinds of cosmetic items. You’ll find him in the farthest part of the wing, all the way to the right from the entrance.
His stock refreshes daily, and the skins he offers are pretty cheap. Until now, there’s been only one on sale every day. Each of the ones we’ve seen cost several thousand regular credits. You can get a new one every day for mere pennies. Here’s a gallery of the ones we’ve found so far:
Tigerstripe Neon
Solid Orange
Multicam Urban
Solid Electric Green
Spray Stripes Urban Snow
Torn Tape Red (thanks TheSimonMattila)
Solid Dark Coyote
Multicam Rogue
We’ll update the guide with new pictures as we get our hands on more skins.
Just so you are aware this is not true: “A skin can be applied to any weapon, regardless of type.” you cannot apply a skin to the unique named weapons as they already have their own unique skin.
Just so you are aware this is not true: “A skin can be applied to any weapon, regardless of type.” you cannot apply a skin to the unique named weapons as they already have their own unique skin.
Lexington Challenge Mode = Pink, Tunnel Challenge Mode = Teal, Russian Embassy = Green, WarrenGate Power Plant = Unknown.
These are some ive bought from supply line vendor:
Snakeskin Brown
Digicam Snow
Tiger Stripe Woodland