Division Season Pass Outfits
Season Pass Outifts for The Division are costumes that can be obtained by purchasing the season pass. There are 7 of them, and each includes an outfit and a weapon skin.
Every pack will also contain a special Go-Bag with distinct abilities. To claim any of these outfits in the game and actually equip them you have to find a special vendor. We will list all the outfit rewards and discuss how to claim them in this guide.
Progress enough in the game to unlock your Base of Operations (in Manhattan’s Pennsylvania Plaza – around level 3-5). As you enter your Base keep going straight through another door (do not climb the stairs). Just keep going straight until you reach a vendor at the end of the hall. This is the Rewards Claim Vendor, where you can claim stuff like the Hazmat Outfit. Once you claim the outfit it will be stored in your inventory, where you can equip it (in case you don’t know how – go to your inventory and go to the appearance tab. You’ll find the Hazmat set in the Outfit Sets section).
How to claim the Hazmat Suit Outfit in the Division?
Everyone who pre-ordered the game gets an outfit for free called the Hazmat Suit. It will not appear magically in your inventory; you have to claim the reward from a special vendor. You will have to follow a similar process for the season pass outfit rewards.Progress enough in the game to unlock your Base of Operations (in Manhattan’s Pennsylvania Plaza – around level 3-5). As you enter your Base keep going straight through another door (do not climb the stairs). Just keep going straight until you reach a vendor at the end of the hall. This is the Rewards Claim Vendor, where you can claim stuff like the Hazmat Outfit. Once you claim the outfit it will be stored in your inventory, where you can equip it (in case you don’t know how – go to your inventory and go to the appearance tab. You’ll find the Hazmat set in the Outfit Sets section).
I have downloaded the season pass and the outfits have downloaded too, but when I go to the rewards vendor, there’s nothing there. Any help?