Pennsylvania Plaza is one of the early PvE zones in The Division. There are 13
intel collectibles to be found in it.
Picking them up will unlock pieces of the story, short tales of people caught up in the disaster. This guide is going to show you where to find
all intel collectibles in Pennsylvania Plaza.
Phone Recordings in Pennsylvania Plaza
Location | How to Get |
 | First locate the building near the corner of 9th Avenue and West 24th Street. It is south of the Base of Operations. The phone recording Birds 1 will be near one of building’s entrances on the northeast side. |
 | The phone recording Birds 2 is found northwest from the corner of 7th Avenue and West 33rd Street. It is on the ground, near a store with the sign – “Wines and Liquors.” |
 | The third part of the recordings, Lucky Girl 1, can be discovered to the south, just across the street from the Base of Operations. It is on the ground, next to a door. You can see an old restaurant stove next to it. |
 | This recording is located northeast of the Base of Operations, as shown on the map. It is called Lucky Girl 2.It is near a huge Christmas Tree, so you can’t miss it. |
 | The final phone recording is found southeast of the base. It is on elevated ground, below a sign that says “Loading Zone.” The recording is called Creep 1. |
Pennsylvania Plaza ECHOS
Location | How to Get |
 | The first Echo collectible in this zone is found southeast of the Base of Operation. It is located on West 26th Street. This echo, Heather Lau 2, is in the second part of a side mission. The first part is found in Camp Hudson. |
 | Heather Lau 3 is the final part of this side mission. You can find this collectible near the previous one, as shown on the map. |
 | This is the last part of the ECHOs collectibles in this area. It is marked as General 2. You can find it east of the Base of Operations, near a huge tent. |
Survival Guides in Pennsylvania Plaza
Location | How to Get |
 | Survival Guide page 5 can be found southwest of the Base of Operations in a warehouse. Look for the warehouse door that has a “Warning” sign above it. |
 | The survival guide page 7 is found in a building southwest of Base of Operations. You need to enter the building, climb the stairs and enter the first open room you see. The guide will be on the ground in the middle of the room. |
Incident Reports in Pennsylvania Plaza
Location | How to Get |
 | The first collectible in this area (incident report 3) is found southeast of the Base of Operations, as shown on the map. It is located between an ambulance car and a dead man with a green helmet and vest. |
 | Incident report 4 is on West 31st street, east of the Base of Operations. It is inside a large blue tent. |
Pennsylvania Plaza Crashed Drone Location
Location | How to Get |
 | In order to get the crashed drone 1 in this area, you need to get to the place shown on the map, north of the base. Climb the ladder, then the stairs and you will see a broken drone hanging from the side of a building. You’ll have to shoot it to take it down. |