Division 2 Warlords of New York Expansion Announced for Early March
Ubisoft have revealed a new expansion for the Division 2, called Warlords of New York. It’s going to bring you back to lower Manhattan, fighting again a resurfaced Aaron Keener and his lieutenants of rogue Division agents. There will be new skills to unlock, as well as a whole bunch of new weapons, armor sets, and other gear to unlock, on top of the new story campaign that you can complete either solo or with friends.

So, what can you expect from the Warlords of New York expansion in The Division 2? Well, you can check out the official announcement on Ubisoft’s website, but let’s do a quick rundown, shall we? For starters, Division agent gone rogue, Aaron Keener, has returned after vanishing in the first Division. He has surrounded himself with other rogue agents as lieutenants, and is working on a bioweapon even worse than the Green Poison, aka the disaster that sent society crashing in the first place. So, of course, you have to bring them down one by one, solo or with friends.
The expansion will raise the level cap to 40, and your agent will have to be level 30 to access the content. Worry not, though, because, when you start the expansion up, you’ll get a one-off boost that will let you bring one agent that you’re playing as right to the required level. One fun aspect is that there will be four new skills to unlock as you defeat the bosses, including the old favorite, the sticky grenade. There will, of course, be new gear, armors, weapons, and other named items for you to collect, as well as something of a revamp of the skills menu to make things clearer.
So, there you have it, agents. Starting on March 3rd, you’ll be going back to the ruined streets of New York, and there’s much more coming after that. Well, March 3rd on Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4; Stadia users will have to wait a bit longer. Meanwhile, you can check out the brief gameplay trailer below.