Division 2 Snitch Locations - Jared Nash - Secret Vendor Cassie Mendoza
The Snitch is an NPC in The Division 2. His name is Jared Nash, and he’s in charge of the Deck of 52 bounties. He’ll appear at a handful of places across the map, always moving to avoid his enemies. Apart from giving out these unique bounties, he also reveals the current location of secret vendor Cassie Mendoza each time you talk to him. This guide will show you all Division 2 Snitch locations, to help you complete the bounties and find the secret vendor.

Where to find the Snitch – Jared Nash?
The Snitch appears randomly all over the city. In order to track him down, you should look for an unknown event on the map which disappears when you approach it. When this happens, you’ll know he’s nearby. We found him in several places during our time with the game.
The first was one block northeast of the safe house in the Constitution Hall area, west of the White House. He was in a tent used for growing mushrooms.
The second was in the northeastern part of West Potomac Park, near the monument. He was standing close to a wall, near a stack of barrels.
There was also the time when we found him in the Southwest area. He was hiding out in a building on the southern edge of the zone.
We also found him near some shanties in the northeastern corner of the Downtown East area. He was standing next to a restauran menu.
One of the locations is in the vicinity of the White House, directly northeast of the Base of Operations. You’ll find the Snitch in a back alley next to some cars.
Another place you could look for him is in the tunnel leading to the Roosevelt Island stronghold. He spawns near the entrance.
You can also find him skulking around the bakery in the shopping mall in the northeast corner of the Constitution Hall area.
How to find secret vendor Cassie Mendoza?
The location of secret vendor Cassie Mendoza will be revealed once you talk to the Snitch. She never stays in one place longer than 36 hours, and her map icon is a shopping cart. She sells high-end, named equipment, usually at the gear score of your current world tier. If you’re not yet level 30, you can get around the limitations and visit her by tagging along with someone who unlocked her.