Division 2 Purchased Outfit Can't Be Equipped - Apparel Store Bug
There’s an apparel store bug in The Division 2 at the moment. A number of players have reported not being able to equip purchased outfits. It’s a nasty thing to experience, doubly so since real money is involved. The developers at Ubisoft are aware of the issue, and they’re investigating it further. Scroll down to read more about Division 2 purchased outfit can’t be equipped bug, and how to report it if you’re experiencing it.

Bought items don’t appear in stash bug
There are at least two ways the problem may present itself. The first is when the apparel you’ve bought doesn’t even show up in your inventory, stash or the grants menu. It completely disappears, just like the money you’ve spent on it. The second is when the outfits appear in your inventory, but the equip button is greyed out. They both come down to the same thing – not being able to use an item you’ve purchased.
Luckily, the developers are aware of the issue. One of the game’s community managers appeared in a Reddit thread and asked those affected to send him their Ubisoft account usernames and the platforms they’re playing on. If you’re having this problem, we suggest you head on over there and let the man know. Either that, or contact support with your complaint.
This isn’t the only thing that’s bothering players at the moment. We’ve already written about the various Division 2 errors & problems that were present at launch, as well as the nasty glitch where apparel cache keys obtained through Ubisoft Club make items duplicate or disappear. Apart from that, we’ve made guides about stuff like backpack keychain locations, secret outfits, which weapons and perks to choose, how to leave clans and how to level up fast.