Lady Death Location - Division 2 Exotic Submachine Gun
Lady Death is a new exotic weapon in The Division 2. It’s a submachine gun that was added in the Warlords of New York expansion. It has weird talents that allow you to move faster after scoring kills, and give you increased damage for moving around. If you’re wondering how to get it, this guide will show you Division 2 Lady Death exotic weapon location, what it looks like and what it does.

How to get Lady Death in Division 2?
We’ve heard people talk they got it from various places, but one thing is constant: it drops from a couple of named enemies called Adam & Eve. They seem to appear most frequently during the Whitehall Street Company and Federal Reserve side missions. When you kill the second of the pair, they have a chance of dropping it, so don’t be surprised if you don’t get it on the first try. There’s a chance it might drop from other Rikers named enemies, but we can’t vouch for that.
As for the stats, it comes with a talent called Breathe Free. When moving, it gives you four stacks per second (eight if you’re sprinting), up to at total of forty. Every time you fire a round while having stacks, you’ll consume one, which will increase your damage by 60%. This way, it rewards you for moving around and not staying stuck behind the same piece of cover. On top of that, every kill you score with it will give you 20% more move speed for ten seconds.
As for its look, you can check it out in the picture above. There’s a corroded brass knuckle with spikes on the vertical grip, and a combination of Lady Liberty and death on the front side of the magazine slot. The body of the gun also has a skin which is a mix of copper and patina.