Division 2 How to Switch Ammo Types
Special ammo in The Division 2 includes stuff like incendiary and explosive bullets. They’re relatively rare, but they’re more powerful than regular ammo – some do area of effect damage, others can light enemies on fire and make them take damage over time. You’ll find caches of special ammo while roaming the game’s world, and as soon as you pick it up, it’ll be equipped. A number of players are asking how to switch ammo types in Division 2, in order to save the special bullets for a special occasion. This guide explores whether that is possible, and how to do it if it is.

Can you switch ammo types in The Division 2?
The short answer is: no. Once you pick up a case of special ammo, you won’t be able to switch it out and save it for later. You’ll have to use it up before you can go back to regular bullets.
The first game allowed players to stockpile special ammo and use it whenever they pleased, but that option has been axed. It seems players didn’t use it, or the other items that were accessible through the consumables menu. The last thing you want to do in the heat of battle is fiddlewith a menu in order to eat a candy bar or swap magazines. The developers must’ve decided to remove the option altogether and place special ammo boxes before encounters that warant its use.
In other words, when you find some explosive bullets, you should expect to run into a sizeable group of enemies in the near future. Don’t shy away from using them – they were put there for a reason. Hopefully they don’t make the different types of ammunition too rare, as they are pretty fun to use, and useful to boot.
Great explanation! I just began to encounter special ammo loot. I it’s was bugging me that I couldn’t seem to store and equip manually. I.e. (Mass Effect’s special ammo). Thanks for the quick rundown. The dev’s may be right about removing that additional layer of complexity for the player, while still keeping special ammo for special combat scenarios.
Hey, I really appreciate the explanation. Amazing so many others just don’t know. I switched ammo and used consumables all the time. It wasn’t complex by time I figured out how to do things since as this article shows there are no instructions for Ubisoft’s fun. 🙂 It was very helpful especially in the DZ. i sure hate that I have to use the special ammo as soon as I get it. It also gave me another challenge such as when an agent goes rouge right behind me or in the heat of a major conflict, I can change things up. It’s similar as when i change load outs before a man hunt or other. That’s a shame Ubisoft did that…seems less challenging of a story mode thus far. Hoping the DZ isn’t a slip either when I get there.