Division 2 How to Restart Bounty
Bounties in The Division 2 are side missions you can take in the game. They unlock after you’ve completed certain missions in an area. Unfortunately, you can fail Division 2 bounties if you die or aren’t fast enough. Then, the question becomes: how to restart bounties in Division 2? Because, luckily, you can restart failed bounties in The Division 2, and fairly easily, once you know where to look. So, that being the case, here’s our Division 2 How to Restart Bounty guide to show you how to retry failed bounties, how to unlock bounties in a certain area in the first place, and more.

How to Restart Failed Bounties in Division 2?
To restart a failed bounty in The Division 2, the first step is to go into the map. Once you’re on the map screen, scroll between the different views until you get to the Bounties tab. You do this by pressing E on PC; the prompt is in the top left corner. When you enter the map, it says All first. Once your on the Bounties section of the map screen, find the failed bounty that you want to retry, and simply select it. When the game takes you into the screen with the enemy, press the Activate Bounty button, and be on your way to revenge.

There are two ways to fail a bounty in The Division 2. One is to die during the mission, obviously. The other is to fail to complete the bounty in the allotted time frame. Yup, the bounties have a fifteen-minute time limit; if you don’t get there in time, the mission is toast. So, it’s a good thing that you can retry the bounties.
All that said, there’s one more tricky bit that we have to mention: it seems that bounty targets move around different location. So, if you fail a bounty in The Division 2 and want to restart it, you might not find the target where you first found it. Look around the map until you spot it again. The map icon is a stylized target, so flick between them to find the one you want.
How to Unlock Division 2 Bounties?
To unlock bounties in Division 2, you have to complete all the requirements for that zone’s Safe House. These requirements differ quite significantly from Safe House to Safe Hose. They range between donating 50 resources to the Control Point, finding 4 SHD caches, you get the idea; do a certain number of activities that the Safe House asks, and you’ll unlock the bounties for that area.
And that’s about that for this article. If you have any further problems with the game, have a look at our list of Division 2 guides. To name a few, we’ve got How to Apply / Change Weapon Skins, How to Unlock Shield Rewards, and Hyenas, True Sons, Outcast Key Locations.
ha, thanks! Never would I have thought you could just start a bounty from scratch just like that…