How to Fix Community Leader NPC Bug in Division 2
The Division 2 Warlords of New York has a bug preventing people from speaking with the Community Leader NPC in the Safe House. This is incredibly annoying, because not being able to speak with the Community Leader is going to prevent players from accessing certain content. So, in our How to Fix Community Leader NPC Bug in Division 2 guide, we’re going to show you how to deal with the Can’t Speak with Community Leader in The Division 2 Warlords of New York DLC.

Division 2 Warlords of New York – Can’t Talk with Community Leader NPC Bug – How to Fix?
To fix the Can’t Talk with Community Leader bug in The Division 2 Warlords of New York, you’ll have to restart the game, then fast travel to and from the Safe House. Alternatively, you can attempt to switch to another area, and see if that helps. Both of these methods have been recommended by Ubisoft’s Community Manager on the Division 2 forum. They are aware of the problem, incidentally, and they’re working on fixing it as soon as possible. At the time of writing, though, it’s still around.
The apparent cause for this mess is that there’s something wrong with instancing. Fortunately, the error happens in particular servers, not all of them. That’s why changing the instance as described above can be helpful. However, we do have to note right here and now that the method Ubisoft recommends won’t necessarily work. Yes, it’s incredibly annoying, and definitely not a good look for the launch of the second DLC; one which people were very excited about, too. Hopefully, the developers are going to patch the issue out as soon as possible.
The Community Leader bug in The Division 2 Warlords of New York is not the only problem that Ubisoft is trying to fix. There’s also a glitch with the introductory mission, during the “Reach City Hall” objective, people getting stuck in the church if they skip the helicopter cinematic, not being able to check in with the church community and a couple of others. So, yeah, we have a bit of a disaster on our hands. Not much we can do but wait for the people in charge to patch things up.