Division 2 Dark Hours Raid Loot - Max Boomer Bailey, Ben Dizzy Carter, Carl Ricochet Dawson, Oliver Weasel Gordon
Dark Hours Raid loot in Division 2 is going to be one of the greatest draw to the activity, and it drops from the bosses: Boomer, Ricochet, Dizzy, Weasel. There’s raid-specific loot, as well as a whole bunch of stuff from the overall loot pool, mostly different gear of 500 score. Our Division 2 Dark Hours Raid Loot – Max Boomer Bailey, Ben Dizzy Carter, Carl Ricochet Dawson, Oliver Weasel Gordon is going to give you a run-down of the rewards you can get by killing the bosses in the Dark Hours Raid in Division 2.

Max Boomer Bailey Loot – What do you Get in Division 2 Raid
After killing Max Boomer Bailey in Division 2 Dark Hours raid, there’s a ton of gear that you’ll get, like with any other boss. Some of it might be a bit RNG, so your results may vary, but it’s still gonna be good. The first item is might be a chunk of one of the gear sets, or it is going to be a bunch of items from the loot pool for defeating Max Boomer Bailey. Note that all the gear that drops from the loot pool is going to have a gear score of 500. So, even if you enter the fray without being at 500, odds are that, if you do this stuff enough times, you’ll get there pretty darned fast. Anyway, here’s what you might get:
Negotiators Dilemma Nibble Backpack Blueprint
Wyvern Wear Didactyl Pad Holster (gear score 500)
Military M60 E4 (gear score 500)
SRS A1 (gear score 500)
Gear Mod – Utility Protocol: Intensity (gear score 500)
586 Magnum (gear score 500)
Ben Dizzy Carter, Carl Ricochet Dawson, Oliver Weasel Gordon Raid Loot
Dizzy, Ricochet, and Weasel are three dudes that together make the second boss. Like with Max Boomer Bailey, there’s going to be some RNG in this situation. Still, though, absolutely everything you get is going to be extremely valuable, and well worth your troubles. Every piece of gear, as stated above, is going to have a score of 500. And there’s a weekly reset, for those of you that are going to be trying again and again.
Roza Stable Gloves Aces and Eights (gear score 500)
Wright Combat Vest – Tip of the Spear blueprint
“Morar” Holster System Douglas & Harding (gear score 500)
Winter Carryall “Bergmann” Badger Tuff (gear score 500)
Police Mk17 (gear score 500)
Counterforce Vest Providence Defense
What Loot do you Get from Dark Hours Raid Boss Lucy & Buddy?
Lucy and Buddy are a pair of robot dogs, and they can dish out quite a bit of pain. Plus, they have a bunch of other little tricks up their proverbial sleeves. As is the case with the previous sets of bosses, you can expect to get loot that’s very high in level, even if the drops are random. Here’s an example of what they might drop:
FG Knaskydd Knee Protectors (gear score 500)
Tommy Gun (gear score 500)
Providence Police SW Backpack (gear score 500)
GiGa Armadillo Vest (gear score 500)
Aces Tania Silent Vest
Black Market TB21 (gear score 500)
Big Horn Pack – Gita Guard (gear score 500)
“Suneate” Knee Braces – Murakami Industries (gear score 500)
Modular Holster – Providence Defense (gear score 500)
Bogey Thigh Rig Blueprint – Negotiators Dilemma Gear Set
Jaivardhan Thigh Rig – Richter & Kaiser (gear score 500)
DDP-52 Razorback Boss Loot in Dark Hours Raid
The DDP-52 Razorback is the last boss in the Dark Hours Raid in Division 2, and arguably the one that requires the highest levels of teamwork. You will have to split in several teams and manage several tasks at once. Like all the other bosses, it’s going to be hard as hell, but the loot pool is really good. Here’s a sample of the stuff that you might get:
GiGa Iguana Hauber
Field Proficiency Cache
Tactical M249
Lyudmila Snipers Mask
Negotiators Snow Job Mask
Black Tusk Key
RUSH72 Backpack
Demeter Quick-Stash
M700 Tactical
Overlord “Dingson” Protection Pads
FG STridvast Combat Vest
We’ll keep updating this guide further as soon as we find out more information about what loot you can get in the Division 2 Dark Hours raid, so keep tuning back in. It’s slow-going, because the raid is really difficult, even for true Division veterans. If you need further assistance with the raid itself, check out our Division 2 Operation Dark Hours Raid Guide, and hopefully you’ll find it useful.