Division 2 Capitol Hill Arm Patch Unable to Unlock
Capitol Hill Arm Patch in The Division 2 is a cosmetic item you can unlock in the game. Unfortunately, some players have reported that the Capitol Hill Arm Patch is not unlocking in The Division 2, even after they’ve completed the requirements. Others, on the other hand, have gotten it just fine. It’s a bit of a conundrum, to be sure. With that in mind, our Division 2 Capitol Hill Arm Patch Unable to Unlock guide will show you how to check if you’ve unlocked the patch, and if not, what you can do about it.

Capitol Hill Arm Patch Not Unlocking in Ubisoft Club – Division 2
The Capitol Hill arm patch not unlocking has seemingly been causing trouble for some people. For others, as you can see above, the Division 2 Capitol Hill arm patch unlocks just fine. There are basically two possible answers to this issue. The first one is that Ubisoft Support has told complaining players that they’ll have to wait until March 15th for the item to unlock. However, as stated before, certain Division operatives have already gotten their hands on the patch. So, you might want to try and contact Ubisoft Support to see what’s going on in your case.
The second possibility is that you’ve unlocked the arm patch; you just can’t find it. In order to check, go into the menu, and select Apparel; it’s just below the Inventory tab. In the following screen, check the tab that’s second from the right in the bottom row, the one next to the Shoes section. This is where the Patches are. Select it, and check if the Capitol Hill arm patch is there. If it isn’t, then you can start pestering Ubisoft Support. Or just wait until March 15th, if you’re not in that much of a hurry.
So, that should about cover the topic of the Capitol Hill arm patch not unlocking in Division 2. If you’re experiencing trouble with something else in the game, feel free to rifle through our other Division 2 guides, including Where to Find Preorder Bonus Items – Gold & Ultimate Edition, Deploy Main & Secondary Rappel Ropes at Theater, and How to Get Armor Kits in the Field.